import os
import re
import subprocess
import warnings
import numpy as np
from pymatgen.core.structure import Element, Molecule, Site
from ocelot.routines.fileop import movefile
Zindo_elements = [
'H', 'Li', 'Be', 'B', 'C', 'N', 'O', 'F', 'Na', 'Mg', 'Al', 'Si', 'P', 'S', 'Cl', 'K',
'Ca', 'Sc', 'Ti', 'V', 'Cr', 'Mn', 'Fe', 'Co', 'Ni', 'Cu', 'Zn', 'Se', 'Br', 'Y', 'Zr',
'Nb', 'Mo', 'Tc', 'Ru', 'Rh', 'Pd', 'Ag', 'Cd'
[docs]def conver2zindo(pmgmol):
this will replace elements that are not in Zindo_elements with elements in the same group
if pmgmol is None:
return None
sites = pmgmol.sites
newsites = []
for s in sites:
if not s.species_string in Zindo_elements:
group = Element(s.species_string).group
samegroup_symbols = [symbol for symbol in Zindo_elements if Element(symbol).group == group]
replacement = sorted(samegroup_symbols, key=lambda x: Element(x).number, reverse=True)[0]
newsites.append(Site(replacement, s.coords))
newsites.append(Site(s.species_string, s.coords))
return Molecule.from_sites(newsites)
[docs]def valence_electron(element):
count valence electrons based on electronic configuration
if a subshell has > 10 electrons, this subshell is ignored
configuration =["Electronic structure"]
list_split = configuration.split('.')
valence_electrons = 0
for i in range(len(list_split)):
if 'sup' in list_split[i]:
electrons ='<sup>(.*)</sup>', list_split[i])
if not int( >= 10:
valence_electrons += int(
return valence_electrons
SCFTYP {scftyp}
RUNTYP {runtyp}
ENTTYP {enttyp}
UNITS {units}
IPRINT {iprint}
INTTYP {inttyp}
IAPX {iapx}
MULT {mult}
ITMAX {itmax}
SCFTOL {scftol}
INTFA(1) = 1.00000 1.26700 0.58500 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000
ONAME = {oname}
optional = """
DYNAL(1) = {nzero} {ns} {nsp} {nspd} {nspdf} {cisize} {nactorb}
NEL {nel}
[docs]class ZindoJob:
[docs] def __init__(self, jobname, pmgmol, isdimer=False, mol_A=None, mol_D=None, upconvert=True):
self.jobname = jobname
self.pmgmol = pmgmol # add deepcopy?
self.isdimer = isdimer
self.mol_A = mol_A
self.mol_D = mol_D
if upconvert:
self.pmgmol = conver2zindo(self.pmgmol)
self.mol_A = conver2zindo(mol_A)
self.mol_D = conver2zindo(mol_D)
def legit(self):
if self.isdimer:
sites = self.mol_A.sites + self.mol_D.sites
sites = self.pmgmol.sites
for s in sites:
element = Element(s.species_string)
if element.symbol not in Zindo_elements:
return False
return True
[docs] @staticmethod
def get_valence_electrons(pmgmol):
pymatgen has a weird `valence` property for element, e.g. for carbon valence is 2
this is just for neutral mol
:param pmgmol:
nvelect = 0
for site in pmgmol.sites:
element = Element(site.species_string)
# nvelect += abs(min(element.common_oxidation_states))
nvelect += valence_electron(element)
return nvelect
[docs] @staticmethod
def inpstring(pmgmol, RUNTYP='ENERGY', SCFTYP='RHF', ITMAX=500, SCFTOL=0.0000010, CISIZE=0, ACTSPC=0,
string of input file, charge and mult will be inherited from pmgmol
:param pmgmol: pymatgen mol object
:param RUNTYP: can be 'ENERGY' or 'GEO' or 'RPA' or 'CI'
:param SCFTYP: type of scf
:param ITMAX: max # of iteration
:param SCFTOL: scf tol
:param CISIZE: CI basis size
:param ACTSPC: # of active orbitals in CI
:param ONAME: output name
if pmgmol.charge != 0 or pmgmol.spin_multiplicity != 1:
warnings.warn('W: zindo io can only handle neutral singlet right now!')
# nelect, ns, nsp, nspd, nspdf = [0]*5
datain = ''
for site in pmgmol.sites:
element = Element(site.species_string)
# nelect += abs(min(element.common_oxidation_states))
datain += '{:.6f} {:.6f} {:.6f} {:.6f}\n'.format(site.x, site.y, site.z, element.number)
# if element.block == 's':
# ns += 2
# elif element.block == 'p':
# nsp += 2
# elif element.block == 'd':
# nspd += 1
# elif element.block == 'f':
# nspdf += 1
# else:
# warnings.warn('W: this element has a row number > 7 ??')
title='zindogen', scftyp=SCFTYP, runtyp=RUNTYP, enttyp='COORD', units='ANGS', iprint='1', inttyp='1',
iapx='3', mult=1, itmax=ITMAX, scftol=SCFTOL,
# nel=nelect, nzero=0, ns=ns, nsp=nsp, nspd=nspd, nspdf=nspdf, cisize=CISIZE, nactorb=ACTSPC,
oname=ONAME, datain=datain,
return s
[docs] def write_single(self, fnprefix, RUNTYP='ENERGY', SCFTYP='RHF', ITMAX=500, SCFTOL=0.0000010, CISIZE=0, ACTSPC=0,
s = self.inpstring(self.pmgmol, RUNTYP, SCFTYP, ITMAX, SCFTOL, CISIZE, ACTSPC, ONAME)
with open(fnprefix + '.inp', 'w') as f:
return [fnprefix + '.inp']
[docs] def write_dimer(self, fnprefix, RUNTYP='ENERGY', SCFTYP='RHF', ITMAX=500, SCFTOL=0.0000010, CISIZE=0, ACTSPC=0,
if not self.isdimer:
s_a = self.inpstring(self.mol_A, RUNTYP, SCFTYP, ITMAX, SCFTOL, CISIZE, ACTSPC, ONAME)
s_d = self.inpstring(self.mol_D, RUNTYP, SCFTYP, ITMAX, SCFTOL, CISIZE, ACTSPC, ONAME)
s_dimer = self.inpstring(self.pmgmol, RUNTYP, SCFTYP, ITMAX, SCFTOL, CISIZE, ACTSPC, ONAME)
with open(fnprefix + '_dimer.inp', 'w') as f:
with open(fnprefix + '_A.inp', 'w') as f:
with open(fnprefix + '_D.inp', 'w') as f:
return [
fnprefix + '_dimer.inp',
fnprefix + '_A.inp',
fnprefix + '_D.inp',
[docs] @classmethod
def dimerjob_from_two_molecules(cls, pmgmol1, pmgmol2, jobname='dimer'):
dimerpmgmol = Molecule.from_sites(pmgmol1.sites + pmgmol2.sites)
return cls(jobname, dimerpmgmol, isdimer=True, mol_A=pmgmol1, mol_D=pmgmol2)
[docs] def parse_tmo(self, tmofn='tmo.dat'):
parse tmo.dat as NAxND array, NA is number of MOs in A, ND is number of MOs in D
NA, ND is decided by the number of valence eletrons, which is auto-gen by zindo
# of valence electronis by zindo auto-gen may NOT be identical to the real # of valence electrons!
:param tmofn:
:return: data[i][j] is the ti of i+1th MO of A and j+1th MO of B
if not self.isdimer:
warnings.warn('W: cannot parse tmo as this is not a dimer run!')
return None
with open(tmofn, 'r') as f:
ls = [l for l in f.readlines() if l.strip() != '']
except FileNotFoundError:
warnings.warn('W: cannot find zindo tmo file {} at {}!'.format(tmofn, os.getcwd()))
return None
# this is not safe, use # of electrons identified by zindo instead
# nmo_a = ZindoJob.get_valence_electrons(self.mol_A)
# nmo_d = ZindoJob.get_valence_electrons(self.mol_D)
nmo_a = int(ls[-1].split()[0])
nmo_d = int(ls[-1].split()[1])
data = np.empty((nmo_a, nmo_d), dtype=dict)
for l in ls[3:]:
imoa, imod, ti, ticm, emoa, emod = [float(number) for number in l.split()]
imoa = int(imoa)
imod = int(imod)
d = dict(ti=ti, emoa=emoa, emod=emod, imoa=imoa, imod=imod)
data[imoa - 1][imod - 1] = d
return data, nmo_a, nmo_d
[docs] @staticmethod
def dimer_run(jobname, wdir, zindobin, zindoctbin, zindolib, pmgmola, pmgmolb):
perfrom zindo calculation for a dimer system, return parsed tmo.dat as NAxND array
:param jobname:
:param wdir: working dir
:param zindobin: binary path
:param zindoctbin: binary path
:param zindolib: dir path
:param pmgmola:
:param pmgmolb:
:return: tmo parsed data, # of AMOs, # of DMOs
zj = ZindoJob.dimerjob_from_two_molecules(pmgmola, pmgmolb, jobname=jobname)
whereami = os.getcwd()
dimer_inps = zj.write_dimer("{}/{}".format(wdir, jobname))
dimerinp, ainp, dinp = dimer_inps
aout, dout, dimerout = ["{}/{}".format(wdir, f) for f in ['A.out', 'D.out', 'dimer.out']]
env = dict(os.environ)
ldlibpath = env['LD_LIBRARY_PATH']
except KeyError:
ldlibpath = ''
env['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = '{}:'.format(zindolib) + ldlibpath
ainpf = open(ainp, 'r')
aoutf = open(aout, 'w')
aerrf = open(aout+'err', 'w')
p = subprocess.Popen([zindobin], stdin=ainpf, stdout=aoutf, stderr=aerrf, shell=True, env=env)
movefile('{}/mo.out'.format(wdir), '{}/mo_A.out'.format(wdir))
dinpf = open(dinp, 'r')
doutf = open(dout, 'w')
derrf = open(dout+'err', 'w')
p = subprocess.Popen([zindobin], stdin=dinpf, stdout=doutf, stderr=derrf, shell=True, env=env)
movefile('{}/mo.out'.format(wdir), '{}/mo_D.out'.format(wdir))
dimerinpf = open(dimerinp, 'r')
dimeroutf = open(dimerout, 'w')
dimererrf = open(dimerout+'err', 'w')
p = subprocess.Popen([zindoctbin], stdin=dimerinpf, stdout=dimeroutf, stderr=dimererrf, shell=True, env=env)
data, nmo_a, nmo_d = zj.parse_tmo('tmo.dat')
# p = subprocess.Popen("{} < {} > {}".format(zindobin, ainp, aout), shell=True, env=env)
# p.wait()
# movefile('mo.out', 'mo_A.out')
# p = subprocess.Popen("{} < {} > {}".format(zindobin, dinp, dout), shell=True, env=env)
# p.wait()
# movefile('mo.out', 'mo_D.out')
# p = subprocess.Popen("{} < {} > {}".format(zindoctbin, dimerinp, dimerout), shell=True, env=env)
# p.wait()
# data, nmo_a, nmo_d = zj.parse_tmo('tmo.dat')
return data, nmo_a, nmo_d
[docs] @staticmethod
def get_hh_coupling(coupling_data, nmo_a, nmo_d):
:param nmo_a:
:param nmo_d:
:param coupling_data: the return value of self.dimer_run()
:return: the HOMO-HOMO electronic coupling in meV
nmo_b = nmo_d
hh_coupling = coupling_data[int(nmo_a / 2 - 1)][int(nmo_b / 2 - 1)]['ti']
return hh_coupling
[docs] @staticmethod
def get_ll_coupling(coupling_data, nmo_a, nmo_d):
:param nmo_a:
:param nmo_d:
:param coupling_data: the return value of self.dimer_run()
:return: the HOMO-HOMO electronic coupling in meV
nmo_b = nmo_d
ll_coupling = coupling_data[int(nmo_a / 2)][int(nmo_b / 2)]['ti']
return ll_coupling