import warnings
from collections import OrderedDict
from pymatgen.core.composition import CompositionError
from pymatgen.core.structure import Composition
from ocelot.routines.fileop import stringkey
from ocelot.routines.disparser import DisParser
from ocelot.schema.configuration import Config
from ocelot.schema.conformer import MolConformer
ReadCif implements a set of checkers/functions as the first step of reading cif file
1. is one type of molecule?
2. is the molecule legit? (can it be parsed to rdmol)
3. where is the disorder --> bone or side group or no
4. get all configurations (during which molconformers for each config will be obtained)
5. is there any hydrogen missing?
[docs]class ReadCif:
[docs] def __init__(self, cifstring, source, identifier=None):
self.cifstring = cifstring
self.source = source
self.dp = DisParser(self.cifstring)
if identifier is None:
self.identifier = self.dp.identifier
self.identifier = identifier
self.lattice = self.dp.lattice
self.was_fitted = self.dp.was_fitted
self.disorder_class = self.dp.classification
self.results = OrderedDict()
[docs] def read(self):
dis_pstructure, dis_unwrap_str, dis_mols, config_infos = self.dp.to_configs(write_files=False, vanilla=True) # if True writes conf_x.cif, configs is a list of pmg Structure
self.disorder_class = self.dp.classification
self.results['disordered_pstructure'] = dis_unwrap_str
self.results['disordered_pmgmols'] = dis_mols
config_structures = []
config_occupancies = []
for item in config_infos:
self.results['config_sturcutures'] = config_structures
self.results['config_occupancies'] = config_occupancies
configs = []
missh = []
for i in range(len(config_structures)):
structure = config_structures[i]
conf = Config.from_labeled_clean_pstructure(structure, occu=config_occupancies[i])
config_missingh = False
for conformer in conf.molconformers:
if conformer.is_missing_hydrogen():
config_missingh = True
if config_missingh:'cif', '{}_mhconf_{}.cif'.format(self.identifier, i))
warnings.warn('missing hydrogens in {}_mhconf_{}.cif'.format(self.identifier, i))
self.results['configurations'] = configs
self.results['missingh'] = missh
# these are checked against to configs[0]
check_config = configs[0]
self.results['n_unique_molecule'] = len(check_config.molgraph_set())
self.results['n_molconformers'] = len(check_config.molconformers)
self.results['all_molconformers_legit'] = check_config.molconformers_all_legit()
self.results['disorder_location'] = self.where_is_disorder(check_config)
warnings.warn('there are problems in readcif.results, some fileds will be missing!')
comp = Composition(self.dp.cifdata['_chemical_formula_sum'])
self.results['cif_sum_composition'] = comp
if not all(self.results['cif_sum_composition'] == mc.composition for mc in check_config.molconformers):
self.results['sum_composition_match'] = False
print('cif_sum_composition: {}'.format(self.results['cif_sum_composition']))
for mc in check_config.molconformers:
print('mc composition: {}'.format(mc.composition))
warnings.warn('moiety sum composition does not match that specified in cif file!')
self.results['sum_composition_match'] = True
except (KeyError, CompositionError) as e:
self.results['cif_sum_composition'] = None
self.results['sum_composition_match'] = None
comp_str = self.dp.cifdata['_chemical_formula_moiety']
comps = [Composition(s) for s in comp_str.split(',')]
comps = sorted(comps, key=lambda x:len(x), reverse=True)
if len(comps) > 1:
warnings.warn('more than 1 moiety from cif file! only the largest one is checked!')
self.results['cif_moiety_composition'] = comps[0]
if not all(self.results['cif_moiety_composition'] == mc.composition for mc in check_config.molconformers):
self.results['moiety_composition_match'] = False
print('cif_moiety_composition: {}'.format(self.results['cif_moiety_composition']))
for mc in check_config.molconformers:
print('mc composition: {}'.format(mc.composition))
warnings.warn('moiety composition does not match that specified in cif file!')
self.results['moiety_composition_match'] = True
except (KeyError, CompositionError) as e:
self.results['cif_moiety_composition'] = None
self.results['moiety_composition_match'] = None
# def as_dict(self):
# d = OrderedDict()
# d['cifstring'] = self.cifstring
# d['clean_pstructures'] = [s.as_dict() for s in self.config_structures]
# d['occus'] = self.occus
# d['disordered_pmgmols'] = [m.as_dict() for m in self.disordered_pmgmols]
# d['disordered_pstructure'] = self.disordered_pstructure.as_dict()
# d['disparser'] = self.dp.as_dict()
# d['configs'] = [c.as_dict() for c in self.configs]
# d['properties'] =
# return d
# @classmethod
# def from_dict(cls, d):
# cifstring = d['cifstring']
# return cls(cifstring)
[docs] @classmethod
def from_ciffile(cls, ciffile, source, identifier=None):
with open(ciffile, 'r') as f:
s =
return cls(s, source, identifier)
[docs] @staticmethod
def where_is_disorder(c: Config):
data[imol] = disorder info in conformer_properties
disorderinfo = {}
mc: MolConformer
for imol in range(len(c.molconformers)):
mc = c.molconformers[imol]
disordered_siteid = [s for s in mc if abs(['occu'] - 1) > 1e-3]
except KeyError:
warnings.warn('not all sites have occu field, cannot decide disorder location!')
disorderinfo[imol] = 'not sure'
if len(disordered_siteid) == 0:
disorderinfo[imol] = 'no disorder'
if mc.backbone is None:
disorderinfo[imol] = 'sc disorder'
elif set(mc.backbone.siteids).intersection(set(disordered_siteid)):
disorderinfo[imol] = 'bone disorder'
disorderinfo[imol] = 'sc disorder'
disorderinfo = stringkey(disorderinfo)
return disorderinfo