import warnings
from copy import deepcopy
import numpy as np
from pymatgen.core.structure import Molecule
from pymatgen.core.structure import Site
from import GaussianInput
from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist
from scipy.spatial.distance import squareform
from ocelot.routines.geometry import angle_btw
from ocelot.routines.geometry import genlinepts
from ocelot.schema.conformer import MolConformer
from ocelot.schema.conformer import RingConformer
from ocelot.schema.conformer import _coordination_rule
given a non-solvent omol, generate input for nics scan, parse output
the omol should be reoriented
[docs]class NicsError(Exception):
[docs]class NICSjob:
lgfr: [RingConformer]
[docs] def __init__(self, omol: MolConformer, nmrscheme='GIAO'):
self.omol = omol
self.nmrscheme = nmrscheme
if self.omol.is_solvent:
NicsError('NICS does not work for solvent-like molecule')
if self.omol.is_solvent:
warnings.warn('W: trying to do NICS job for a solvent-like molecule')
bone, sccs, backbone_graph, scgs = self.omol.partition(scheme='lgfr')
lgfr = bone.rings
geocs = [r.geoc for r in lgfr] # nx3
dmat = squareform(pdist(np.array(geocs)))
maxi, maxj = np.unravel_index(dmat.argmax(), dmat.shape) # idx for rings at two ends
fr = sorted(lgfr, key=lambda r: np.linalg.norm(r.geoc - lgfr[maxi].geoc))
self.lgfr = fr
[docs] def plot_path(self):
# TODO plot the chemical structure of self.omol and show a path projection there
[docs] def nics_sigma_structure(self, normal_idx=0):
add hydrogen to all sites on lfr(largest fused rings), and sites that are connected to lfr with double bonds
notice this could be different from backbone, as backbone contains other fr connected to lfr with single bond
(eg. BDT 3mer)
:param normal_idx: 0, 1
:return: a MSitelist objects
lgfr = self.lgfr
if normal_idx == 0:
ref_normal = lgfr[0].n1
ref_normal = lgfr[0].n2
normals = [r.normal_along(ref_normal) for r in lgfr]
if any([n is None for n in normals]):
warnings.warn('W: nics_sigma_structure failed as largest_fused_ring maybe too twisted')
return None
frsites = []
for r in lgfr:
for s in r.sites:
if s not in frsites:
sigma_sites = deepcopy(self.omol.sites)
terminated_sites_id = []
added_hydrogens = []
nbrmap = self.omol.get_nbrmap_based_on_siteid(1.3)
for i in range(len(lgfr)):
ringconf = lgfr[i]
for s in ringconf.sites:
nbs = nbrmap[['siteid']]
unsaturation = _coordination_rule[s.species_string] - len(nbs)
if unsaturation == 1 and['siteid'] not in terminated_sites_id:
hs = Site('H', 1.0 * normals[i] + s.coords, properties={'siteid': -10})
for nb in nbs:
nbsite = self.omol.get_site_byid(nb)
nb_unsaturation = _coordination_rule[nbsite.species_string] - len(
if nb not in terminated_sites_id and nb_unsaturation == 1 and nbsite not in frsites and all(
nbsite not in ring.sites for ring in self.omol.rings):
hs = Site('H', 1.0 * normals[i] + nbsite.coords, properties={'siteid': -10})
return sigma_sites + added_hydrogens
[docs] def nics_line_scan_path(self, step_size, nrings, height=1.7, normaldirection=0):
pts, n x 3 array, cart coords for path
ring_idx, n x 1 array, ring_idx[i] represents the ring idx of the ring in which pts[i] reside
xnumbers, the path travelled
xticks, seg ends position on path
:param step_size: in \AA
:param nrings: only look at this # of rings in lfr
:param height: default 1.7 is suggested by Stanger, Chemistry–A European Journal 20.19 (2014): 5673-5688
:param normaldirection: 0 or 1, as it's possible to have two different paths for bent molecules
:return: pts, ring_idx, xnumbers, xticks
fr = self.lgfr[:nrings]
available_normals = [fr[0].n1, fr[0].n2]
normals = [r.normal_along(available_normals[normaldirection]) for r in fr]
pts = []
ring_idx = []
xnumbers = []
xticks = [0]
cross_point = np.zeros(3)
for i in range(len(fr) - 1):
ring = fr[i]
nb_ring = fr[i + 1]
segend1 = ring.geoc
segend2 = nb_ring.geoc
# nb_ring center -- cross_pt -- ring center -- prev_cross_pt -- prev ring center
if i == 0:
bond_centers = sorted([b.geoc for b in ring.bonds_in_ring],
key=lambda bc: angle_btw(segend2 - segend1, bc - segend1))
cross_point, start_point = sorted([bond_centers[0], bond_centers[-1]],
key=lambda c: np.linalg.norm(c - 0.5 * (segend2 + segend1)))
subpath = genlinepts(start_point, ring.geoc, step_size)
xnumbers += [np.linalg.norm(p - subpath[0]) + xticks[-1] for p in subpath]
xticks += [xticks[-1] + np.linalg.norm(ring.geoc - start_point)]
subpath = [p + normals[i] * height for p in subpath]
pts += subpath
ring_idx += [i] * len(subpath)
subpath = genlinepts(ring.geoc, cross_point, step_size)
xnumbers += [np.linalg.norm(p - subpath[0]) + xticks[-1] for p in subpath]
xticks += [xticks[-1] + np.linalg.norm(ring.geoc - cross_point)]
subpath = [p + normals[i] * height for p in subpath]
pts += subpath
ring_idx += [i] * len(subpath)
elif i != 0 and i != len(fr) - 2:
prev_cross_point = cross_point
bond_centers = sorted([b.geoc for b in ring.bonds_in_ring],
key=lambda bc: angle_btw(segend2 - segend1, bc - segend1))
cross_point, start_point = sorted([bond_centers[0], bond_centers[-1]],
key=lambda c: np.linalg.norm(c - 0.5 * (segend2 + segend1)))
subpath = genlinepts(prev_cross_point, ring.geoc, step_size)
xnumbers += [np.linalg.norm(p - subpath[0]) + xticks[-1] for p in subpath]
xticks += [xticks[-1] + np.linalg.norm(prev_cross_point - ring.geoc)]
subpath = [p + normals[i] * height for p in subpath]
pts += subpath
ring_idx += [i] * len(subpath)
subpath = genlinepts(ring.geoc, cross_point, step_size)
xnumbers += [np.linalg.norm(p - subpath[0]) + xticks[-1] for p in subpath]
xticks += [xticks[-1] + np.linalg.norm(cross_point - ring.geoc)]
subpath = [p + normals[i] * height for p in subpath]
pts += subpath
ring_idx += [i] * len(subpath)
elif i == len(fr) - 2:
prev_cross_point = cross_point
bond_centers = sorted([b.geoc for b in ring.bonds_in_ring],
key=lambda bc: angle_btw(segend2 - segend1, bc - segend1))
cross_point, start_point = sorted([bond_centers[0], bond_centers[-1]],
key=lambda c: np.linalg.norm(c - 0.5 * (segend2 + segend1)))
subpath = genlinepts(prev_cross_point, ring.geoc, step_size)
xnumbers += [np.linalg.norm(p - subpath[0]) + xticks[-1] for p in subpath]
xticks += [xticks[-1] + np.linalg.norm(prev_cross_point - ring.geoc)]
subpath = [p + normals[i] * height for p in subpath]
pts += subpath
ring_idx += [i] * len(subpath)
subpath = genlinepts(ring.geoc, cross_point, step_size)
xnumbers += [np.linalg.norm(p - subpath[0]) + xticks[-1] for p in subpath]
xticks += [xticks[-1] + np.linalg.norm(cross_point - ring.geoc)]
subpath = [p + normals[i] * height for p in subpath]
pts += subpath
ring_idx += [i] * len(subpath)
subpath = genlinepts(cross_point, nb_ring.geoc, step_size)
xnumbers += [np.linalg.norm(p - subpath[0]) + xticks[-1] for p in subpath]
xticks += [xticks[-1] + np.linalg.norm(cross_point - nb_ring.geoc)]
subpath = [p + normals[i + 1] * height for p in subpath]
pts += subpath
ring_idx += [i + 1] * len(subpath)
bond_centers = sorted([b.geoc for b in nb_ring.bonds_in_ring],
key=lambda bc: angle_btw(segend1 - segend2, bc - segend2))
cross_point, end_point = sorted([bond_centers[0], bond_centers[-1]],
key=lambda c: np.linalg.norm(c - 0.5 * (segend2 + segend1)))
subpath = genlinepts(nb_ring.geoc, end_point, step_size)
xnumbers += [np.linalg.norm(p - subpath[0]) + xticks[-1] for p in subpath]
xticks += [xticks[-1] + np.linalg.norm(end_point - nb_ring.geoc)]
subpath = [p + normals[i + 1] * height for p in subpath]
pts += subpath
ring_idx += [i + 1] * len(subpath)
return pts, ring_idx, xnumbers, xticks
[docs] @staticmethod
def add_bqlines(stringinput, pts):
i_lastnonempty_line = 0
ls = stringinput.split('\n')
for i in range(len(ls)):
line = ls[i]
if len(line.strip()) != 0:
i_lastnonempty_line = i
ls = ls[:i_lastnonempty_line + 1]
for pt in pts:
bqline = '{}\t{}\t{}\t{}'.format('bq', *pt)
return '\n'.join(ls) + '\n \n '
[docs] @staticmethod
def get_zzmstensor(logstring, tensor_kw='GIAO Magnetic shielding tensor'):
:param logstring: string of gauss log file
:param tensor_kw: default 'GIAO Magnetic shielding tensor'
:return: a list of floats, zz components of magnetic shield tensor from log string
lines = logstring.split('\n')
ns = 0
for i in range(len(lines)):
if 'Charge' in lines[i] and 'Multiplicity' in lines[i]:
cursor = i + 1
while len(lines[cursor].strip().split()) == 4:
ns += 1
cursor += 1
tensor_zzs = []
for i in range(len(lines)):
if tensor_kw in lines[i]:
for j in range(i + 1, i + 1 + ns * 5):
if 'Bq' in lines[j]:
tensor_zzs.append(-float(lines[j + 3].strip().split()[-1]))
return tensor_zzs
[docs] @staticmethod
def plt_pizz_xypath(tensor_zzs_sigma, tensor_zzs_total, xnumbers, xticks, fn):
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.rc('font', family='Times New Roman')
plt.rcParams["font.size"] = 14
vc = ['gray', 'black'] # gray vline is ring edge, black is ring center
i = 1
for xv in xticks:
plt.axvline(xv, c=vc[i])
i = 1 - i
ys_total = np.array(tensor_zzs_total)
ys_sigma = np.array(tensor_zzs_sigma)
ys_pi = ys_total - ys_sigma
plt.scatter(xnumbers, ys_pi, c='b', label='pi')
plt.scatter(xnumbers, ys_total, c='k', label='total')
plt.scatter(xnumbers, ys_sigma, c='r', label='sigma')
plt.xlim([xnumbers[0], xnumbers[-1]])
plt.xlabel(r'scan path ($\rm{\AA}$)')
plt.ylabel('NICSzz (ppm)')
plt.savefig(fn, dpi=800)