Source code for ocelot.task.hop

import json
import os

import numpy as np
from joblib import Parallel
from joblib import delayed

from ocelot.schema.conformer import DimerCollection
from ocelot.task.zindo import ZindoJob
from ocelot.task.zindo import conver2zindo

for a certain crystal config, get perocalation pathway

[docs]class IJK:
[docs] def __init__(self, ijk, klen): self.ijk = ijk self.klen = klen
def __eq__(self, other): if self.klen != other.klen: return False i1, j1, k1 = self.ijk i2, j2, k2 = other.ijk if i1 == j2 and j1 == i2 and k2 == self.klen - k1 - 1: return True return False
[docs]class Hop:
[docs] def __init__(self, config, zindobin=None, zindoctbin=None, zindolib=None, wdir=os.getcwd(), gaussbin=None): self.workdir = wdir # make sure this is an absolute path self.zindobin = zindobin self.zindoctbin = zindoctbin self.zindolib = zindolib self.gaussbin = gaussbin self.config = config self.dimer_array, self.tranv_fcs = self.config.get_dimers_array(maxfold=2, fast=True, symm=False)
[docs] @staticmethod def unique_ijk(leni, lenj, lenk): """ given dimer_array from config.get_dimers_array with symm=False get unique ijk combinations using symmetry dimer_array[i][j][k1] == dimer_array[j][i][k2] where transv_fcs[k1] == -transv_fcs[k2] note there is another symmetry in transv_fcs from cart product, transv_fcs[i] == -transv_fcs[len-i-1] that is k2 == len-k1-1 :param leni: :param lenj: :param lenk: :return: """ i_s = list(range(leni)) j_s = list(range(lenj)) k_s = list(range(lenk)) ijks = np.array(np.meshgrid(i_s, j_s, k_s)).T.reshape(-1, 3) unique_ijks = [] for ijk in ijks: ijkobj = IJK(ijk, lenk) if ijkobj not in unique_ijks: unique_ijks.append(ijkobj) return [ijkob.ijk for ijkob in unique_ijks]
[docs] @staticmethod def screen_dimers(dimer_array, close=True, unique=True): """ :param dimer_array: ijk array as in config.get_dimers_array() :param close: :param unique: apply symmetry in dimer_array :return a list of dimers that are unique and close """ results = [] if unique: ni, nj, nk = dimer_array.shape unique_ijks = Hop.unique_ijk(ni, nj, nk) for ijk in unique_ijks: i, j, k = ijk dimer = dimer_array[i, j, k] if close: if dimer.is_bone_close and dimer.is_not_identical: results.append(dimer) else: if dimer.is_not_identical: results.append(dimer) else: for dimer in dimer_array.flatten(): if close: if dimer.is_bone_close and dimer.is_not_identical: results.append(dimer) else: if dimer.is_not_identical: results.append(dimer) return results
[docs] @staticmethod def group_dimers(dimers): """ subgroup into dimercollection such that all dimers in one collection share the same ref_omol :param dimers: :return: dimercolls: a dict of dimer lists, dimercolls[x] are dimers with i==x """ dimercolls = {} for d in dimers: i, j, k = [int(idx) for idx in d.label.split('_')] # I should prob make ijk an attribute if i not in dimercolls.keys(): dimercolls[i] = [d] else: dimercolls[i].append(d) return dimercolls
[docs] def run(self, alldimers, calculator='zindo', njobs=None): """ you should screen alldimers based on geodist before this run :param alldimers: :param calculator: :param njobs: :return: """ print('calculator was set to {}'.format(calculator)) dimercolls = self.group_dimers(alldimers) workload = [] for i in dimercolls.keys(): dimers = dimercolls[i] dimercoll = DimerCollection(dimers) dimercoll.to_xyz('{}/dimercoll_{}.xyz'.format(self.workdir, i)) for idimer in range(len(dimers)): lab = dimers[idimer].label subwdir = '{}/dimers/{}'.format(self.workdir, lab) if calculator != 'geodist': os.system('mkdir -p {}'.format(subwdir)) mol_A = conver2zindo(dimers[idimer].conformer_ref.pmgmol) mol_D = conver2zindo(dimers[idimer].conformer_var.pmgmol) xyzstring = dimers[idimer].to_xyzstring() unit_job = (lab, subwdir, mol_A, mol_D, xyzstring) workload.append(unit_job) # run unit jobs print('workload has {} unit jobs'.format(len(workload))) if calculator == 'zindo': if not isinstance(njobs, int): njobs = min(os.cpu_count(), len(workload)) work_results = Parallel(njobs)(delayed(self.zindo_cal)(uj) for uj in workload) # total 16 benzene # 1 16.880834579467773 # 2 14.692869424819946 # 4 17.32540798187256 # total 3 tipgebw # 1 88.71285700798035 # 3 34.4242103099823 elif calculator == 'geodist': # since alldimers should already have been screened based on geodist, calculator will just return inf work_results = [[uj[0], np.inf, np.inf, uj[4]] for uj in workload] else: raise NotImplementedError('{} is not a valid calculator!'.format(calculator)) data = {} for result in work_results: lab, hhti, llti, xyzstring = result data[lab] = [hhti, llti, xyzstring] with open('{}/hopdata1.json'.format(self.workdir), 'w') as f: json.dump(data, f) return data
[docs] def zindo_cal(self, unitjob): lab, subwdir, mol_A, mol_D, xyzstring = unitjob coupling_data, nmo_a, nmo_d = ZindoJob.dimer_run(lab, subwdir, self.zindobin, self.zindoctbin, self.zindolib, mol_A, mol_D) hhti = ZindoJob.get_hh_coupling(coupling_data, nmo_a, nmo_d) llti = ZindoJob.get_ll_coupling(coupling_data, nmo_a, nmo_d) return [lab, hhti, llti, xyzstring]
# # def run_zindo(self, alldimers, workdir): # """ # Run zindo for all the dimers provided and calculate electronic coupling. # xzy files are written for each of the dimer in the respective folder. xyz file for the dimers is also written. # # :param alldimers: # :param workdir: working directory to run zindo # :return: data[dimer.label] = [hhcoupling, llcoupling, xyzstring] # """ # data = {} # dimercolls = self.group_dimers(alldimers) # for i in dimercolls.keys(): # dimers = dimercolls[i] # dimercoll = DimerCollection(dimers) # dimercoll.to_xyz('{}/dimercoll_{}.xyz'.format(workdir, i)) # for idimer in range(len(dimers)): # lab = dimers[idimer].label # subwdir = '{}/dimers/{}'.format(workdir, lab) # os.system('mkdir -p {}'.format(subwdir)) # # mol_A = conver2zindo(dimers[idimer].conformer_ref.pmgmol) # mol_D = conver2zindo(dimers[idimer].conformer_var.pmgmol) # coupling_data, nmo_a, nmo_d = ZindoJob.dimer_run(lab, # subwdir, # self.zindobin, # self.zindoctbin, # self.zindolib, # mol_A, mol_D) # hhti = ZindoJob.get_hh_coupling(coupling_data, nmo_a, nmo_d) # llti = ZindoJob.get_ll_coupling(coupling_data, nmo_a, nmo_d) # data[lab] = [hhti, llti, dimers[idimer].to_xyzstring()] # dimers[idimer].to_xyz('{}/{}.xyz'.format(subwdir, lab)) # with open('{}/hopdata1.json'.format(workdir), 'w') as f: # json.dump(data, f) # return data #
[docs] @staticmethod def applysym_to_coupling_data(data, dimer_array, workdir): leni, lenj, lenk = dimer_array.shape symdata = {} for lab in data.keys(): i, j, k = [int(idx) for idx in lab.split('_')] symdata[lab] = data[lab] symlab = '_'.join([str(index) for index in [j, i, lenk - k - 1]]) symlabentry = [data[lab][0], data[lab][1], dimer_array[j, i, lenk - k - 1].to_xyzstring()] symdata[symlab] = symlabentry with open('{}/symdata2.json'.format(workdir), 'w') as f: json.dump(data, f) return symdata
[docs] @staticmethod def get_intger_mesh(x, y, z): xs = list(range(-x, x + 1)) ys = list(range(-y, y + 1)) zs = list(range(-z, z + 1)) return np.array(np.meshgrid(xs, ys, zs), dtype=int).T.reshape(-1, 3)
[docs] @staticmethod def supercell_proj(dimer_array, transv_fcs, symdata, super_cell_size, motype, workdir): """ we look at a supercell, in which the coupling is represented as augmented_data[mp_i][mp_j][i][j] which is the coupling between supercellmesh[mp_i] ith mol and supercellmesh[mp_j] jth mol :param motype: :param workdir: :param dimer_array: :param transv_fcs: :param symdata: :param super_cell_size: 3x1 int tuple e.g. (6, 6, 6) :return: supercellmesh, augmented_data """ if motype == 'hh': moid = 0 elif motype == 'll': moid = 1 else: moid = 0 leni, lenj, lenk = dimer_array.shape size_x, size_y, size_z = [int(s) for s in super_cell_size] super_cell_mesh = Hop.get_intger_mesh(size_x, size_y, size_z) mesh_size = len(super_cell_mesh) augmented_data = np.zeros((mesh_size, mesh_size, leni, lenj)) mat_v_x2y = super_cell_mesh[np.newaxis, :, :] - super_cell_mesh[:, np.newaxis, :] for mi in range(mesh_size): for mj in range(mesh_size): # v_mi2mj = super_cell_mesh[mj] - super_cell_mesh[mi] v_mi2mj = mat_v_x2y[mi][mj] lookup_v_in_transv_fcs = np.argwhere(np.all(transv_fcs == v_mi2mj, axis=1)) if len(lookup_v_in_transv_fcs) > 0: k = lookup_v_in_transv_fcs[0][0] for i in range(leni): for j in range(lenj): label = '{}_{}_{}'.format(i, j, k) if label in symdata.keys(): augmented_data[mi][mj][i][j] = symdata[label][moid] augmented_data[mj][mi][j][i] = symdata[label][moid] with open('{}/supercelldata3.json'.format(workdir), 'w') as f: json.dump(augmented_data.tolist(), f) return super_cell_mesh, augmented_data
[docs] @staticmethod def hopping(supercell_data, supercell_mesh, cutoff, workdir, motype): """ a molecule is defined by meshpoint in the supercell mesh (mp_i) and mol index (mol_i) in a cell hopdata[x] gives a list of molecules (represented by [mp_i, mol_i]) that are connected to the molecule [mp_i=0, mol_i=x], including the molecule itself :param motype: :param supercell_mesh: 3xn meshpoints :param supercell_data: :param cutoff: in meV :param workdir: :return: """ meshsize = len(supercell_mesh) number_of_mols = len(supercell_data[0][0]) def conneted_neighbors(mp_i, mol_i): list_of_connected = [] for mp_j in range(meshsize): for mol_j in range(number_of_mols): ti = supercell_data[mp_i][mp_j][mol_i][mol_j] if abs(ti) > cutoff: list_of_connected.append((mp_j, mol_j)) return list_of_connected network = {} for mol_init_i in range(number_of_mols): # print('start {}'.format(mol_init_i)) mp_i_init = int((meshsize - 1) / 2) # s.t. mesh[mp_i_init] = (0, 0, 0) in_network = [(mp_i_init, mol_init_i)] pointer = 0 while len(in_network) != pointer: focus_mol = in_network[pointer] # print('looking at mp {} mol {}'.format(*in_network[pointer])) for connected in conneted_neighbors(*focus_mol): if connected not in in_network: # print('find connected {}'.format(connected)) in_network.append(connected) pointer += 1 network[mol_init_i] = in_network with open('{}/{}_netdata4.json'.format(workdir, motype), 'w') as f: json.dump(network, f) return network
[docs] def get_hopping_network_s1(self): dimers_to_be_used = self.screen_dimers(self.dimer_array, close=True, unique=True) # this gives 'hopdata1.json' # hopdata = self.run_zindo(dimers_to_be_used, self.workdir) hopdata =, 'zindo') # this gives 'symdata2.json' symdata = self.applysym_to_coupling_data(hopdata, self.dimer_array, self.workdir) # this gives 'supercelldata3.json' return hopdata, symdata
[docs] def get_hopping_network_s2(self, symdata, cutoff, supercell=(1, 1, 1), motype='hh'): mesh, augdata = self.supercell_proj(self.dimer_array, self.tranv_fcs, symdata, super_cell_size=supercell, motype=motype, workdir=self.workdir) # this gives 'll_netdata4.json' or 'hh_netdata4.json' network = self.hopping(augdata, mesh, cutoff, self.workdir, motype) return mesh, augdata, network
# # this is an old implementaion with tuple as key for augdata, very slow # augmented_data = {} # for meshpoint_x in super_cell_mesh: # augmented_data[meshpoint_x] = {} # for meshpoint_y in super_cell_mesh: # augmented_data[meshpoint_x][meshpoint_y] = {} # v_x2y = tuple(meshpoint_y[i] - meshpoint_x[i] for i in range(3)) # try: # k = transv_fcs.index(v_x2y) # except ValueError: # k = None # if k is not None: # for i in range(leni): # augmented_data[meshpoint_x][meshpoint_y][i] = {} # for j in range(lenj): # label = '{}_{}_{}'.format(i, j, k) # if label in symdata.keys(): # augmented_data[meshpoint_x][meshpoint_y][i][j] = symdata[label] # else: # augmented_data[meshpoint_x][meshpoint_y][i][ # j] = 0.0 # self coupling is already included here # else: # for i in range(leni): # augmented_data[meshpoint_x][meshpoint_y][i] = {} # for j in range(lenj): # augmented_data[meshpoint_x][meshpoint_y][i][j] = 0.0 # return augmented_data # @staticmethod # def hopping(supercell_data, cutoff, workdir): # """ # # # :param supercell_data: # :param cutoff: in meV # :param workdir: # :return: # """ # # mps = list(supercell_data.keys()) # js = list(supercell_data[mps[0]][mps[0]][0].keys()) # # def conneted_neighbors(mpi): # mp_x = mpi[:3] # i = mpi[3] # list_of_mp_y_j = [] # for mp_y in mps: # for j in js: # ti = supercell_data[mp_x][mp_y][i][j] # if abs(ti) > cutoff: # list_of_mp_y_j.append((*mp_y, j)) # return list_of_mp_y_j # # network = {} # for init_i in js: # mpi_init = (0, 0, 0, init_i) # in_network = [mpi_init] # pointer = 0 # while len(in_network) != pointer: # focus_mpi = in_network[pointer] # for connected in conneted_neighbors(focus_mpi): # if connected not in in_network: # in_network.append(connected) # pointer += 1 # network[init_i] = in_network # with open('{}/netdata4.json'.format(workdir), 'w') as f: # json.dump(network, f) # return network