Source code for ocelot.task.dftd3

import subprocess
import warnings

from ocelot.routines.fileop import createdir

dftd3 from Grimme for pbc system

-func <functional name in TM style>
Choose one of the implemented functionals. No default. For a list of parameterized func-
tionals, refer to our web-site.9 HF can be invoked by -func hf.

- '-anal', '-grad', '-tz', options are not supported currently
- citations
    main code: S. Grimme, J. Antony, S. Ehrlich and H. Krieg, J. Chem. Phys. 132 (2010), 154104
    BJ-damping: S. Grimme, S. Ehrlich and L. Goerigk, J. Comput. Chem. 32 (2011), 1456-1465
    DFT-D2: S. Grimme, J. Comput. Chem., 27 (2006), 1787-1799
    DFT-D3M/DFT-D3M(BJ): D.G.A. Smith, L.A. Burns, K. Patkowski and C.D. Sherrill, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 7 (2016) 2197-2203
DAMPING_OPTIONS = ['bj', 'bjm', 'zero', 'zerom']
    'HF', 'B1B95', 'B2GPPLYP', 'B3PW91', 'BHLYP', 'BMK', 'BOP', 'BPBE', 'CAMB3LYP', 'LCĪ‰PBE', 'MPW1B95', 'MPWB1K',
    'mPWLYP', 'OLYP', 'OPBE', 'oTPSS', 'PBE38', 'PBEsol', 'PTPSS', 'PWB6K', 'revSSB', 'SSB', 'TPSSh', 'HCTH120',
    'B2PLYP', 'B3LYP', 'B97D', 'BLYP', 'BP86', 'DSDBLYP', 'PBE0', 'PBE', 'PW6B95', 'PWPB95', 'revPBE0', 'revPBE38',
    'revPBE', 'TPSS0', 'TPSS',

[docs]class DFTD3:
[docs] def __init__(self, jobname, structure, func='pbe', damping='bj', dftd2=False, cutoff=94.8683, cnthr=40): """ init a dftd3 calculation :param jobname: :param structure: :param func: :param damping: :param dftd2: DFT-D2 version.10 :param cutoff: a cutoff value for the dispersion interaction. The default value is 95 a.u. :param cnthr: a cutoff value for the calculation of the CN. The default value is 40 a.u. and should be kept fixed """ self.jobname = jobname self.structure = structure if func not in FUNCTIONAL_OPTIONS: warnings.warn('W: the func you spec is {} which is not supported, im using pbe instead'.format(func)) self.func = 'pbe' else: self.func = func if damping not in DAMPING_OPTIONS: warnings.warn('W: the damping you spec is {} which is not supported, im using bj instead'.format(damping)) self.damping = 'bj' else: self.damping = damping self.dftd2 = dftd2 self.cutoff = cutoff self.cnthr = cnthr
@property def cmd_option_string(self): s = ' -func {} -{} -abc -pbc -cutoff {} -cnthr {}'.format(self.func, self.damping, self.cutoff, self.cnthr) if self.dftd2: s += ' -old' return s
[docs] @staticmethod def parse_results(res): ls = res.split('\n') for l in ls: if 's6 :' in l: s6 = l.strip().split()[2] s6 = float(s6) elif 's8 :' in l: s8 = l.strip().split()[2] s8 = float(s8) elif 'a1 :' in l: a1 = l.strip().split()[2] a1 = float(a1) elif 'a2 :' in l: a2 = l.strip().split()[2] a2 = float(a2) elif 'Edisp /kcal,au,eV:' in l: edisp_ev = l.strip().split()[-1] edisp_ev = float(edisp_ev) elif 'E6 /kcal' in l: e6_kcal = l.strip().split()[-1] e6_ev = float(e6_kcal) * 0.04336 elif 'E8 /kcal' in l: e8_kcal = l.strip().split()[-1] e8_ev = float(e8_kcal) * 0.04336 elif 'E6(ABC)' in l: e6abc_kcal = l.strip().split()[-1] e6abc_ev = float(e6abc_kcal) * 0.04336 try: d = dict(s6=s6, s8=s8, a1=a1, a2=a2, edisp_ev=edisp_ev, e6_ev=e6_ev, e6abc_ev=e6abc_ev, e8_ev=e8_ev) except NameError: return None return d
[docs] def run(self, d3cmd, wdir): createdir(wdir) poscarfn = wdir + 'POSCAR_dftd3''poscar', poscarfn) result = subprocess.check_output('{} {} {}'.format(d3cmd, poscarfn, self.cmd_option_string), shell=True) return result.decode('utf-8')