given a molecular specification (smiles) get distinct conformers via rdkit
the molecule should already have hydrogen explicitly added, i.e. from hsmiles or addhs
rdkit conf gen [prune_in_gen] --> [ff minimize] --> prune_by_energy --> prune_by_rmsd
__author__ = "qianxiang ai, parker sornberger"
import numpy as np
from rdkit import Chem
from rdkit.Chem import AllChem
from ocelot.schema.rdfunc import RdFunc
import warnings
[docs]class ConfGenError(Exception): pass
[docs]class ConfGen:
[docs] def __init__(self, m: Chem.Mol, mol_name='rdmol', nconf=None, mingen=50, maxgen=300, nthread=0, rngseed=-1,
prune_in_gen=None, minimize=True, ff='MMFF94s', prune_by_energy=100):
self.mol_name = mol_name
self.m = Chem.Mol(m) # get a new mol
self.mingen = mingen
self.maxgen = maxgen
self.rngseed = rngseed
self.nconf = int(nconf)
except TypeError:
self.nconf = self.ideal_conf_num(self.m, self.mingen, self.maxgen)
self.prune_in_gen = float(prune_in_gen) # this is the threshold
except TypeError:
warnings.warn('prune_in_gen will not be carried out')
self.prune_in_gen = -1.0
self.minimize = minimize
if ff not in ['UFF', 'MMFF94', 'MMFF94s']:
raise ConfGenError('force field: {} not understood!'.format(ff))
self.ff = ff
self.nthread = nthread
self.prune_by_energy = float(prune_by_energy)
[docs] @staticmethod
def is_hydrogen_explicit(m: Chem.Mol):
if not any('h' == a.GetSymbol().lower() for a in m.GetAtoms()):
raise ConfGenError('no explicit hydrogen in this rdkit mol!')
[docs] @classmethod
def from_smiles(cls, smiles: str, mingen=50, maxgen=300):
if 'h' not in smiles.lower():
raise ConfGenError('no h in the smiles!')
m = Chem.MolFromSmiles(smiles)
n = Chem.AddHs(m)
return cls(n, mingen=mingen, maxgen=maxgen)
[docs] @staticmethod
def ideal_conf_num(some_molecule: Chem.Mol, min=50, max=300):
return the number of conformers that need to be generated to sample the conf space of a molecule
rotatable_bonds = int(AllChem.CalcNumRotatableBonds(some_molecule))
if rotatable_bonds < 3:
conf_number = min
elif rotatable_bonds > 6:
conf_number = max
conf_number = (rotatable_bonds ** 3)
return conf_number
[docs] @staticmethod
def genconfs_ETKDG(m: Chem.Mol, nconf, nthreads, rmsprune, rngseed):
# confids = AllChem.EmbedMultipleConfs(m, numConfs=nconf, params=AllChem.ETKDG(), pruneRmsThresh=rmsprune,
# numThreads=nthreads, randomSeed=rngseed)
params = AllChem.ETKDG()
params.numThreads = nthreads
params.randomSeed = rngseed
params.pruneRmsThresh = rmsprune
confids = AllChem.EmbedMultipleConfs(m, numConfs=nconf, params=params, )
return m, list(confids)
[docs] @staticmethod
def cal_energy(m: Chem.Mol, cid: int = 0, ff='MMFF94s'):
if 'MMFF' in ff:
molecule_properties = AllChem.MMFFGetMoleculeProperties(m, mmffVariant=ff)
force_field = AllChem.MMFFGetMoleculeForceField(m, molecule_properties, confId=cid)
force_field = AllChem.UFFGetMoleculeForceField(m, confId=cid)
return float(force_field.CalcEnergy())
[docs] def genconfs_prune_by_energy(self):
# energy in kcal/mol
m, confids = self.genconfs_ETKDG(self.m, self.nconf, self.nthread, self.prune_in_gen, self.rngseed)
if self.minimize:
if 'MMFF' in self.ff:
ff_results = AllChem.MMFFOptimizeMoleculeConfs(m, mmffVariant=self.ff, numThreads=self.nthread)
elif 'UFF' in self.ff:
ff_results = AllChem.UFFOptimizeMoleculeConfs(m, numThreads=self.nthread)
raise ConfGenError('force field {} not understood!'.format(self.ff))
energies = [r[1] for r in ff_results]
energies = [self.cal_energy(m, cid, self.ff) for cid in confids]
energies = np.array(energies, dtype=float)
minenergy = min(energies)
new = Chem.Mol(m)
new_energies = []
for i in confids:
if energies[i] - minenergy < self.prune_by_energy:
conf = m.GetConformer(confids[i])
new.AddConformer(conf, assignId=True)
return new, new_energies
[docs] @staticmethod
def prune_by_rmsd(m, energies, max_conformers=None, rmsd_threshold=0.5):
conformer in m should be assigned consecutive ids with delta=1
:param energies:
:param m:
:param max_conformers:
:param rmsd_threshold:
rmsd_condensed = AllChem.GetConformerRMSMatrix(m)
# rmsd_condensed = ConfGen.GetBestRMSMatrix(m)
if max_conformers is None:
max_conformers = len(m.GetConformers())
# Returns the RMS matrix of the conformers of a molecule.
# As a side-effect, the conformers will be aligned to the first conformer (i.e. the reference)
# and will left in the aligned state.
from scipy.spatial.distance import squareform
rmsd_mat = squareform(rmsd_condensed)
# print(rmsd_mat[0,2])
# print(ConfGen.GetBestRMSConf(m, 0, 2))
# print(ConfGen.GetBestRMSConf(m, 2, 0))
atom_list = [a.GetSymbol() for a in m.GetAtoms()]
# RdFunc.conf2xyz(m.GetConformer(2), '2.xyz', atom_list, '2')
# RdFunc.conf2xyz(m.GetConformer(0), '0.xyz', atom_list, '0')
keep = []
discard = []
confids = []
for c in m.GetConformers():
cid = c.GetId()
# always keep lowest-energy conformer
if len(keep) == 0:
# discard conformers after max_conformers is reached
if len(keep) >= max_conformers:
# get RMSD to selected conformers
this_rmsd = rmsd_mat[cid][np.asarray(keep, dtype=int)]
# discard conformers within the RMSD threshold
if np.all(this_rmsd >= rmsd_threshold):
m_after_prune = Chem.Mol(m)
n_energies = []
for i in keep:
conf = m.GetConformer(i)
m_after_prune.AddConformer(conf, assignId=True)
return m_after_prune, n_energies
[docs] @staticmethod
def GetBestRMSConf(mol, i, j):
from rdkit.Chem.rdMolAlign import GetBestRMS
# Chem.AssignStereochemistry(mol,cleanIt=True,force=True,flagPossibleStereoCenters=True)
mol_prob = Chem.Mol(mol)
# from collections import defaultdict
# equivs = defaultdict(set)
# matches = m.GetSubstructMatches(m,uniquify=False)
# for match in matches:
# for idx1,idx2 in enumerate(match): equivs[idx1].add(idx2)
# print(equivs)
# from copy import deepcopy
# mol_prob = deepcopy(mol)
# map = [[(a.GetIdx(), a.GetIdx()) for a in mol.GetAtoms()]]
# [atom.GetProp('_CIPRank') for atom in m.GetAtoms()]
# map = []
# for a in mol.GetAtoms():
# symm_eqs = [a.GetIdx()]
# for b in mol.GetAtoms():
# if b.GetIdx() != a.GetIdx() and a.GetProp('_CIPRank') == b.GetProp('_CIPRank'):
# symm_eqs.append(b.GetIdx())
# map.append(symm_eqs)
# print(map)
# combs = []
# for i in range(len(map)):
# possible_ids = map[i]
# for pid in possible_ids:
# if pid not in combs:
# combs.append(pid)
# break
# import itertools
# map = list(itertools.product(*map))
# print(len(map))
# print([a.GetSymbol() for a in mol.GetAtoms()])
# print(map)
return GetBestRMS(mol_prob, mol, prbId=j, refId=i,)# maxMatches=2000000)
[docs] @staticmethod
def GetBestRMSMatrix(mol):
the problem of AllChem.GetConformerRMSMatrix(m) is that it uses AlignMolConformers
this assumes atom order is the same, which may not be the case if the molecule has symmetry
from rdkit.Chem.rdMolAlign import GetBestRMS
mol_prob = Chem.Mol(mol)
rmsvals = []
confIds = [conf.GetId() for conf in mol.GetConformers()]
for i in range(1, len(confIds)):
GetBestRMS(mol_prob, mol, prbId=i, refId=0)
# loop over the conformations (except the reference one)
cmat = []
for i in range(1, len(confIds)):
cmat.append(rmsvals[i - 1])
for j in range(1, i):
cmat.append(GetBestRMS(mol_prob, mol, prbId=j, refId=i))
return np.array(cmat, dtype=float)
[docs] @staticmethod
def cluster_by_rmsd(m: Chem.Mol, energies, rmsd_threshold: float):
conformer in m should be assigned consecutive ids with delta=1
:param energies:
:param m:
:param rmsd_threshold:
rmsd_condensed = AllChem.GetConformerRMSMatrix(m)
# rmsd_condensed = ConfGen.GetBestRMSMatrix(m)
from rdkit.ML.Cluster.Butina import ClusterData
clusters = ClusterData(rmsd_condensed, len(m.GetConformers()), distThresh=rmsd_threshold, isDistData=True)
m_after_prune = Chem.Mol(m)
n_energies = []
for c in clusters:
conf = m.GetConformer(c[0])
m_after_prune.AddConformer(conf, assignId=True)
return m_after_prune, n_energies
[docs] def genconfs(self, flavor="prune", write_confs=False, prune_max_conformer=20, rmsd_threshold=0.5):
m_prune_by_eng, energies = self.genconfs_prune_by_energy()
if flavor == "prune":
m_after, e_after = self.prune_by_rmsd(m_prune_by_eng, energies=energies, max_conformers=prune_max_conformer,
elif flavor == 'cluster':
m_after, e_after = self.cluster_by_rmsd(m_prune_by_eng, energies=energies,
raise ConfGenError('flavor {} not understood'.format(flavor))
if write_confs:
atom_list = [a.GetSymbol() for a in m_after.GetAtoms()]
for c in m_after.GetConformers():
cid = c.GetId()
energy = e_after[cid]
comment = '{} energy: {:.4f} kcal/mol'.format(self.ff, energy)
RdFunc.conf2xyz(c, "{}_{}.xyz".format(self.mol_name, cid), atom_list, comment)
return m_after, e_after
[docs] @staticmethod
def show_confs_diversity(m: Chem.Mol, energies: [float]):
# TODO find a way to display the diversity in/clusters of the conformers generated
# m should be a rdkit molecule with conformers generated and confomer ids assigned
# s.t. energies[conformer_id] = energy
# possible descriptor of diversity:
# energies,
# shape descriptors, e.g. AllChem.ShapeTanimotoDist
# rmsd spread, e.g. https://www.rdkit.org/docs/Cookbook.html#rmsd-calculation-between-n-molecules
# dimension reduction method for rmsd matrix, e.g. http://sketchmap.org/
# notice we can take the advantage that all conformers share the same molecule, i.e. atom order does not matter