Source code for ocelot.task.calec

import re
import sys
from collections import OrderedDict

import numpy as np
import numpy.matlib
from numba import jit
from pymatgen.core.structure import Molecule
from import GaussianInput
from scipy.linalg import blas
from scipy.linalg import lapack

electronic coupling calculator with

1. gaussian, code comes from Sean M. Ryno, see original code at /legacy/ for citation suggestions

2. zindo, under dev

SUGGESTED_route_parameters = {
    'nosymm': '',
    'pop': 'full',
    'iop': {'3/33': '1', '3/59': '8'},
    'int': {'acc2e': '12'},
SUGGESTED_route_parameters = OrderedDict(SUGGESTED_route_parameters)

[docs]class ElectronicCoupling: """ class to calculate electronic couplings from Gaussian w. fmo formalism micro wf: 1. get 2 monomer structure in cart coords, label them mono_a and mono_b 2. concatenate 2 input structure to give dimer structure, fmo requires site sequence remains intact 3. run calculations to give mono_a_fchk, mono_b_fchk, dimer_fchk, dimer_log. suggested keywords `nosymm pop=full iop(3/33=1,3/59=8) int(acc2e=12)` 4. four files in 3. will be used to give ec, the results is a list of lists, fields are ['#mo_a', '#mo_b', 'e_mo_a', 'e_mo_b', 'J_12', 'S_12', 'e^eff_1', 'e^eff_2', 'J^eff_12', 'dE_12'] all in eV """
[docs] def __init__(self, sysname, mono_a, mono_b, caltype='gauss'): """ setup ec calculations :param sysname: :param mono_a: pmg mol obj :param mono_b: pmg mol obj :param caltype: 'gauss' or 'zindo' """ self.sysname = sysname self.mono_a = mono_a self.mono_b = mono_b self.caltype = caltype
[docs] def input_gen_gauss( self, charge=None, spin_multiplicity=None, title=None, functional='HF', basis_set='6-31G(d)', route_parameters=SUGGESTED_route_parameters, input_parameters=None, link0_parameters=None, dieze_tag='#P', gen_basis=None ): ginobj_mono_a = GaussianInput(self.mono_a, charge, spin_multiplicity, title, functional, basis_set, route_parameters, input_parameters, link0_parameters, dieze_tag, gen_basis) ginobj_mono_b = GaussianInput(self.mono_a, charge, spin_multiplicity, title, functional, basis_set, route_parameters, input_parameters, link0_parameters, dieze_tag, gen_basis) dimer_sites = self.mono_a.sites + self.mono_b.sites dimer_pmgmol = Molecule.from_sites(dimer_sites) ginobj_dimer = GaussianInput(dimer_pmgmol, charge, spin_multiplicity, title, functional, basis_set, route_parameters, input_parameters, link0_parameters, dieze_tag, gen_basis) return ginobj_mono_a.to_string(cart_coords=True), ginobj_mono_b.to_string( cart_coords=True), ginobj_dimer.to_string(cart_coords=True)
[docs] @staticmethod def calculate_coupling_gauss(mono_a_fchk_string, mono_b_fchk_string, dimer_fchk_string, dimer_log_string, homo1=0, lumo1=0, homo2=0, lumo2=0): monomer_a_fchk_lines = mono_a_fchk_string.split('\n') monomer_b_fchk_lines = mono_b_fchk_string.split('\n') dimer_fchk_lines = dimer_fchk_string.split('\n') dimer_log_lines = dimer_log_string.split('\n') # Sanity check of homos and lumos if (homo1 > lumo1) or (homo2 > lumo2): sys.exit("E: Homo and lumo cannot be same of overlap.") # Get dimer values nbf_d = ElectronicCoupling.g09_get_basis_functions(dimer_fchk_lines) e_d = ElectronicCoupling.g09_get_alpha_orbital_energies(dimer_fchk_lines, nbf_d) c_d = ElectronicCoupling.g09_get_mo_coefficients(dimer_fchk_lines, nbf_d) s_d = ElectronicCoupling.get_overlap(dimer_log_string, nbf_d) f_d = ElectronicCoupling.g09_calculate_fock(c_d, s_d, nbf_d, e_d) # Get monomer A values nbf_monomer_a = ElectronicCoupling.g09_get_basis_functions(monomer_a_fchk_lines) homo_monomer_a, lumo_monomer_a = ElectronicCoupling.g09_get_homo_lumo(monomer_a_fchk_lines) homo_monomer_a += homo1 lumo_monomer_a += lumo1 c_monomer_a = ElectronicCoupling.g09_get_mo_coefficients(monomer_a_fchk_lines, nbf_monomer_a) # Get monomer B values nbf_monomer_b = ElectronicCoupling.g09_get_basis_functions(monomer_b_fchk_lines) homo_monomer_b, lumo_monomer_b = ElectronicCoupling.g09_get_homo_lumo(monomer_b_fchk_lines) homo_monomer_b += homo2 lumo_monomer_b += lumo2 c_monomer_b = ElectronicCoupling.g09_get_mo_coefficients(monomer_b_fchk_lines, nbf_monomer_b) # Calculate Coupling cfrag = ElectronicCoupling.g09_build_cfrag(nbf_d, nbf_monomer_a, nbf_monomer_b, c_monomer_a, c_monomer_b) out = ElectronicCoupling.g09_calculate_coupling(homo_monomer_a, lumo_monomer_a, homo_monomer_b, lumo_monomer_b, nbf_monomer_a, f_d, s_d, cfrag) return out
[docs] @staticmethod @jit def g09_calculate_coupling(homo_monomer_a, lumo_monomer_a, homo_monomer_b, lumo_monomer_b, nbf_monomer_a, f_d, s_d, cfrag): """ :param homo_monomer_a: :param lumo_monomer_a: :param homo_monomer_b: :param lumo_monomer_b: :param nbf_monomer_a: :param f_d: :param s_d: :param cfrag: :return: "MO 1", "MO 2", "e 1, eV", "e 2, eV", "J_12, eV", "S_12", "e^eff_1, eV", "e^eff_2, eV", "J^eff_12, eV", "dE_12, eV" """ irange = tuple(range(homo_monomer_a - 1, lumo_monomer_a)) jrange = tuple(range(homo_monomer_b - 1 + nbf_monomer_a, lumo_monomer_b + nbf_monomer_a)) out = [] for i in irange: for j in jrange: ctmp = cfrag[i, :] * f_d e1 = blas.ddot(cfrag[i, :], ctmp) * 27.2116 ctmp = cfrag[j, :] * f_d e2 = blas.ddot(cfrag[j, :], ctmp) * 27.2116 ctmp = cfrag[j, :] * f_d j12 = blas.ddot(cfrag[i, :], ctmp) * 27.2116 ctmp = cfrag[j, :] * s_d s12 = blas.ddot(cfrag[i, :], ctmp) ee1 = 0.5 * ((e1 + e2) - 2.0 * j12 * s12 + (e1 - e2) * np.sqrt(1.0 - s12 * s12)) / (1.0 - s12 * s12) ee2 = 0.5 * ((e1 + e2) - 2.0 * j12 * s12 - (e1 - e2) * np.sqrt(1.0 - s12 * s12)) / (1.0 - s12 * s12) je12 = (j12 - 0.5 * (e1 + e2) * s12) / (1.0 - s12 * s12) de = np.sqrt((ee1 - ee2) ** 2 + (2 * je12) ** 2) out.append((i + 1, j + 1 - nbf_monomer_a, e1, e2, j12, s12, ee1, ee2, je12, de)) return out
[docs] @staticmethod def g09_get_basis_functions(fchk_lines): # Get number of basis functions for line in fchk_lines: if "Number of basis functions" in line: nbf = int(line.split()[5]) return nbf
[docs] @staticmethod def g09_get_homo_lumo(fchk_lines): # Get HOMO and LUMO levels for line in fchk_lines: if "Number of alpha electrons" in line: homo = int(line.split()[5]) lumo = homo + 1 return homo, lumo
[docs] @staticmethod def g09_get_alpha_orbital_energies(fchk_lines, nbf): # Get alpha orbital energies e = np.matlib.zeros(nbf) line_index = -1 for line in fchk_lines: if "Alpha Orbital Energies" in line: line_index = int(fchk_lines.index(line)) + 1 break if line_index == -1: print('Alpha Orbital Enetrgies not present') sys.exit(1) count = 0 icount = 0 while count < nbf: mo_line = fchk_lines[line_index + icount].split() icount += 1 for i in range(len(mo_line)): e[0, count] = float(mo_line[i]) count += 1 return e
[docs] @staticmethod def g09_get_mo_coefficients(fchk_lines, nbf): # Get alpha MO coefficients c_temp = np.matlib.zeros(nbf * nbf) line_index = -1 for line in fchk_lines: if "Alpha MO coefficients" in line: line_index = int(fchk_lines.index(line)) + 1 break if line_index == -1: print('Alpha MO coefficients not present') sys.exit(1) count = 0 icount = 0 while count < nbf * nbf: mo_line = fchk_lines[line_index + icount].split() icount += 1 for i in range(len(mo_line)): c_temp[0, count] = float(mo_line[i]) count += 1 c = c_temp.reshape((nbf, nbf)) return c
[docs] @staticmethod @jit def g09_calculate_fock(c, s, nbf, e): # Calculate the Fock matrix sc_temp = blas.dgemm(1.0, np.array(c), np.array(s), 1.0) sc = np.asmatrix(sc_temp) sce = np.matlib.zeros((nbf, nbf)) for i in range(nbf): sce[i, :] = e[0, i] * sc[i, :] c_lu, ipiv, info = lapack.dgetrf(c) ic_lu, info = lapack.dgetri(c_lu, ipiv) f_temp = blas.dgemm(1.0, np.array(ic_lu), np.array(sce), 1.0) f = np.asmatrix(f_temp) return f
[docs] @staticmethod @jit def g09_build_cfrag(nbf_d, nbf_mon1, nbf_mon2, c_mon1, c_mon2): # Build the block matrix of monomer MO coefficients cfrag = np.matlib.zeros((nbf_d, nbf_d)) for i in range(nbf_mon1): for j in range(nbf_mon1): cfrag[j, i] = c_mon1[j, i] for i in range(nbf_mon2): for j in range(nbf_mon2): cfrag[j + nbf_mon1, i + nbf_mon1] = c_mon2[j, i] return cfrag
[docs] @staticmethod def get_overlap(g09logstring, nbf): """ Extracts the overlap matrix from a Gaussian logfile string. Returns a numpy matrix. """ data = g09logstring overlap_matrix = np.zeros((nbf, nbf)) # grab all text between "Overlap ***" and "*** Kinetic" raw_overlap_string = re.findall(r'Overlap \*\*\*(.*?)\*\*\* Kinetic', data, re.DOTALL) raw_overlap_string = raw_overlap_string[0].replace('D', 'E') raw_overlap_elements = raw_overlap_string.split() matrix_elements = [] for overlap_value in raw_overlap_elements: if 'E' in overlap_value: matrix_elements.append(overlap_value) overlap = ElectronicCoupling.create_matrix(overlap_matrix, matrix_elements, nbf) overlap = ElectronicCoupling.make_symmetric(overlap) overlap = np.array(overlap) return overlap
[docs] @staticmethod def create_matrix(matrix, elements, nbf): """ create lower triangular matrix from list of matrix elements indexed like so: [[0,0,0,...,0], [1,2,0,...,0], [3,4,5,...,0]] nbf is number of basis functions elements is a list of matrix elements indexed like above, e.g. [0,1,2,3,...] Gaussian prints every 5 columns, so the mod5 accounts for this """ count = 0 # count is our index # fill the main block, leaving remainder for triangle fill for i in range(0, nbf - nbf % 5, 5): matrix, count = ElectronicCoupling.triangle_fill(matrix, i, i + 5, i, count, elements) matrix, count = ElectronicCoupling.block_fill(matrix, i + 5, nbf, i, i + 5, count, elements) # finish filling the last triangle bit matrix, count = ElectronicCoupling.triangle_fill(matrix, nbf - nbf % 5, nbf, nbf - nbf % 5, count, elements) return matrix
[docs] @staticmethod @jit def make_symmetric(matrix): return matrix + matrix.T - np.diag(np.diag(matrix))
[docs] @staticmethod @jit def triangle_fill(matrix, istrt, iend, jstrt, count, element): for i in range(istrt, iend): for j in range(jstrt, i + 1): matrix[i, j] = element[count] count += 1 return matrix, count
[docs] @staticmethod @jit def block_fill(matrix, istrt, nbf, jstrt, jend, count, element): for i in range(istrt, nbf): for j in range(jstrt, jend): matrix[i, j] = element[count] count += 1 return matrix, count