import numpy as np
from rdkit import DataStructs
from rdkit.Chem import AllChem
from rdkit.Chem import Descriptors
from rdkit.Chem import Descriptors3D as D3d
from rdkit.Chem.Fingerprints import FingerprintMols
from rdkit.Chem.rdMolInterchange import JSONToMols
from rdkit.Chem.rdMolInterchange import MolToJSON
commonly used rdkit functions
from itertools import combinations
from rdkit import Chem
from rdkit.Chem import Atom
from rdkit.Chem import Bond
from rdkit.Chem import Draw
from rdkit.Chem import Mol
from rdkit.Chem import ResonanceMolSupplier
[docs]class RdFunc:
[docs] @staticmethod
def get_volume(m):
AllChem.ComputeMolVolume in rdkit
:return: volume in A^3
return AllChem.ComputeMolVolume(m, confId=-1, gridSpacing=0.2, boxMargin=2.0)
[docs] @staticmethod
def get_3ddescriptors(mol):
using methods from rdkit
Asphericity: 0 corresponds to spherical top molecules and 1 to linear molecules, For prolate (cigar-sh aped) molecules, ~ 0.25, whereas for oblate (disk-shaped) molecules, ~ 1.
Eccentricity: 0 corresponds to spherical top molecules and 1 to linear molecules.
RadiusOfGyration: a size descriptor based on the distribution of atomic masses in a molecule, a measure of molecular compactness for long-chain molecules and, specifically, small values are obtained when most o f the atoms are close to the center of mass
SpherocityIndex: spherosity index varies from zero for flat molecules, such as benzene, to unity for totally spherical molecules
:key: Asphericity, Eccentricity, InertialShapeFactor, NPR1, NPR2, PMI1, PMI2, PMI3, RadiusOfGyration, SpherocityIndex
:return: dict
d = dict(
return d
[docs] @staticmethod
def get_bond_order(m, atomidx1, atomidx2):
bt = m.GetBondBetweenAtoms(atomidx1, atomidx2).GetBondType()
if bt == Chem.BondType.SINGLE:
return 1
elif bt == Chem.BondType.DOUBLE:
return 2
elif bt == Chem.BondType.TRIPLE:
return 3
elif bt == Chem.BondType.AROMATIC:
return 1.5
return None
[docs] @staticmethod
def from_string(fmt, string):
construct a rdmol
:param fmt: 'smiles', 'hsmiles', 'smarts', 'inchi'
:param string:
if fmt == 'smiles':
rdmol = Chem.MolFromSmiles(string)
rdmol = Chem.AddHs(rdmol)
elif fmt == 'hsmiles':
rdmol = Chem.MolFromSmiles(string)
rdmol = Chem.AddHs(rdmol, explicitOnly=True)
elif fmt == 'smarts':
rdmol = Chem.MolFromSmarts(string)
elif fmt == 'inchi':
rdmol = Chem.MolFromInchi(string)
rdmol = None
return rdmol
[docs] @staticmethod
def substructurematch(m1, m2):
substructure search with smarts, True if m2 has sub graph of m1
:param m1: pattern used to search
:param m2:
patt = m1.to_smarts()
return m2.HasSubstructMatch(patt)
[docs] @staticmethod
def getmolweight(mol):
return Descriptors.MolWt(mol)
[docs] @staticmethod
def to_smarts(rdmol):
return Chem.MolToSmarts(rdmol)
[docs] @staticmethod
def n_nonsignlebond_electrons(m):
nve = Descriptors.NumValenceElectrons(m)
nre = Descriptors.NumRadicalElectrons(m)
nbonds = len(m.GetBonds())
return nve - nre - 2 * nbonds
[docs] @staticmethod
def unsaturation(m):
return RdFunc.n_nonsignlebond_electrons(m) / len(m.GetAtoms())
[docs] @staticmethod
def fingerprint(mol):
return FingerprintMols.FingerprintMol(mol)
[docs] @staticmethod
def fp_similarity(m1, m2, metric='Tanimoto'):
use RDK fingerprint similarity based on different metrics
TODO add args to customize RDKfp, see
see Landrum2012 for more details
:param m1:
:param m2:
:param str metric: "Tanimoto", "Dice", "Cosine", "Sokal", "Russel", "RogotGoldberg", "AllBit", "Kulczynski", "McConnaughey", "Asymmetric", "BraunBlanquet",
fps = [FingerprintMols.FingerprintMol(m1), FingerprintMols.FingerprintMol(m2)]
for func in DataStructs.similarityFunctions:
if func[0] == metric:
metric_function = func[1]
return DataStructs.FingerprintSimilarity(fps[0], fps[1], metric=metric_function)
return None
[docs] @staticmethod
def draw_smiles(smiles, fn=''):
rdmol = RdFunc.from_string('smiles', smiles)
Draw.MolToFile(rdmol, fn)
[docs] @staticmethod
def draw_mol(rdmol, fn=''):
Draw.MolToFile(rdmol, fn)
[docs] @staticmethod
def get_sub_rdmol(m: Mol, atomids: [int]):
atoms_in_old_mol: [Atom] = [a for a in m.GetAtoms() if a.GetIdx() in atomids]
atom_numbers = [a.GetAtomicNum() for a in atoms_in_old_mol]
old_id_2_new_id = {}
newid = 0
for oldatom in atoms_in_old_mol:
old_id = oldatom.GetIdx()
old_id_2_new_id[old_id] = newid
newid += 1
mol = Chem.MolFromSmarts("[#" + str(atom_numbers[0]) + "]")
rwmol = Chem.RWMol(mol)
for s in atom_numbers[1:]:
# print('new mol atom')
# for a in rwmol.GetAtoms():
# print(a.GetIdx(), a.GetSymbol())
# print('--')
for aini, ainj in combinations(atomids, 2):
b = m.GetBondBetweenAtoms(aini, ainj)
if isinstance(b, Bond):
# iatom = m.GetAtomWithIdx(aini).GetSymbol()
# jatom = m.GetAtomWithIdx(ainj).GetSymbol()
# print('found bond {} {} - {} {}, {}'.format(iatom, aini, jatom, ainj, b.GetBondType()))
bt = b.GetBondType()
newi = old_id_2_new_id[aini]
newj = old_id_2_new_id[ainj]
rwmol.AddBond(newi, newj, bt)
# newatomi = rwmol.GetAtomWithIdx(newi).GetSymbol()
# newatomj = rwmol.GetAtomWithIdx(newj).GetSymbol()
# print('added {} {} - {} {}'.format(newatomi, newi, newatomj, newj))
mol = rwmol.GetMol()
return mol, old_id_2_new_id
[docs] @staticmethod
def get_conjugate_group(m: Mol):
# supp = ResonanceMolSupplier(m, Chem.KEKULE_ALL)
supp = ResonanceMolSupplier(m, Chem.ALLOW_CHARGE_SEPARATION)
cg_dict = {}
a: Atom
for a in m.GetAtoms():
aid = a.GetIdx()
cgid = supp.GetAtomConjGrpIdx(aid)
if cgid < 1e5:
cg_dict[aid] = cgid
cgids = set(cg_dict.values())
cgs = []
for cgid in cgids:
cg = [i for i in cg_dict.keys() if cg_dict[i] == cgid]
cgmol, old_id_2_new_id = RdFunc.get_sub_rdmol(m, cg)
cgs.append([cgmol, old_id_2_new_id])
return sorted(cgs, key=lambda x: x[0].GetNumAtoms(), reverse=True)
[docs] @staticmethod
def get_conjugate_group_with_halogen(m: Mol):
natoms = len(m.GetAtoms())
adjmat = np.zeros((natoms, natoms), dtype=bool)
for i in range(natoms):
for j in range(i + 1, natoms):
if isinstance(m.GetBondBetweenAtoms(i, j), Bond):
adjmat[i][j] = True
adjmat[j][i] = True
supp = ResonanceMolSupplier(m, )
# supp = ResonanceMolSupplier(m, Chem.KEKULE_ALL)
# supp = ResonanceMolSupplier(m, Chem.ALLOW_CHARGE_SEPARATION)
cg_dict = {}
a: Atom
for a in m.GetAtoms():
aid = a.GetIdx()
cgid = supp.GetAtomConjGrpIdx(aid)
if cgid < 1e5:
cg_dict[aid] = cgid
cgids = set(cg_dict.values())
cgs = []
for cgid in cgids:
cg = [i for i in cg_dict.keys() if cg_dict[i] == cgid]
atom: Atom
for atom in m.GetAtoms():
if atom.GetIdx() not in cg:
if any(adjmat[atom.GetIdx()][cg_aid] for cg_aid in cg) and atom.GetSymbol() in (
"I", "F", "Cl", "Br"):
cgmol, old_id_2_new_id = RdFunc.get_sub_rdmol(m, cg)
cgs.append([cgmol, old_id_2_new_id])
return sorted(cgs, key=lambda x: x[0].GetNumAtoms(), reverse=True)
[docs] @staticmethod
def vis_partition(m: Mol, fnprefix='m'):
cgs = RdFunc.get_conjugate_group_with_halogen(m)
# cgs = RdFunc.get_conjugate_group(m)
Draw.MolToFile(m, "{}.ps".format(fnprefix), kekulize=False)
kk = 0
for cg in cgs:
Draw.MolToFile(cg[0], "{}-{}.ps".format(fnprefix, kk), kekulize=False, )
kk += 1
[docs] @staticmethod
def get_aids(m: Mol):
aids = []
for a in m.GetAtoms():
aid = a.GetIdx()
return aids
[docs] @staticmethod
def mol2xyz_by_confid(molecule: Mol, prefix='rdmol', confid=0, comment_line=''):
natoms = molecule.GetNumAtoms()
filename = "{}_{}.xyz".format(prefix, confid)
s = "{}\n{}\n".format(natoms, comment_line)
for i in range(natoms):
position = molecule.GetConformer(confid).GetAtomPosition(i)
symbol = molecule.GetAtomWithIdx(i).GetSymbol()
s += "{}\t{:.6} {:.6} {:.6}\n".format(symbol, position.x, position.y, position.z)
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
[docs] @staticmethod
def conf2xyz(conf: Chem.Conformer, outputname, atom_list: list, comment_line=''):
natoms = conf.GetNumAtoms()
s = "{}\n{}\n".format(natoms, comment_line)
for i in range(natoms):
position = conf.GetAtomPosition(i)
symbol = atom_list[i]
s += "{}\t{:.6} {:.6} {:.6}\n".format(symbol, position.x, position.y, position.z)
with open(outputname, 'w') as f:
[docs] @staticmethod
def mol_as_json(rdmol: Mol):
json = MolToJSON(rdmol)
return json
[docs] @staticmethod
def mol_from_json(s: str):
return JSONToMols(s)[0]