Source code for ocelot.schema.conformer
import itertools
import warnings
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import List
from ocelot.routines.fileop import stringkey, intkey
import matplotlib.patches as patches
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import rdkit.Chem as Chem
from pymatgen.core.structure import Molecule
from pymatgen.core.structure import Site
from import XYZ
from rdkit.Chem import Descriptors
from rdkit.Chem import rdMolAlign
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist
from scipy.spatial.distance import squareform
from shapely.geometry import Polygon
from ocelot.routines.conformerparser import ACParser
from ocelot.routines.geometry import Fitter
from ocelot.routines.geometry import alpha_shape
from ocelot.routines.geometry import angle_btw
from ocelot.routines.geometry import coord_transform
from ocelot.routines.geometry import get_proj_point2plane
from ocelot.routines.geometry import norm
from ocelot.routines.geometry import rotate_along_axis
from ocelot.routines.geometry import rotation_matrix
from ocelot.routines.geometry import unify
from ocelot.routines.pbc import AtomicRadius
from ocelot.schema.graph import BackboneGraph
from ocelot.schema.graph import BasicGraph
from ocelot.schema.graph import FragmentGraph
from ocelot.schema.graph import MolGraph
from ocelot.schema.graph import SidechainGraph
from ocelot.schema.rdfunc import RdFunc
_coordination_rule = {
'H': 1,
'Li': 1,
'Na': 1,
'K': 1,
'Be': 2,
'Mg': 2,
'Ca': 2,
'B': 3,
'Al': 3,
'Ga': 3,
'C': 4,
'Si': 4,
'Ge': 4,
'Sn': 4,
'N': 3,
'P': 3,
'As': 3,
'O': 2,
'S': 2,
'Se': 2,
'F': 1,
'Cl': 1,
'Br': 1,
'I': 1,
_rdmol_sani = True
_rdmol_force_single = False
_rdmol_charged_fragments = False
_rdmol_expliciths = True
[docs]class SiteidOperation:
def __getitem__(self, i: int):
return self.sites[i]
def __len__(self):
return len(self.sites)
def __iter__(self):
return self.sites.__iter__()
# allkeys = ['siteid']
# for s in self.sites:
# allkeys += list(
# allkeys = list(set(allkeys))
# for i in range(len(self)):
# k = 'siteid'
# # for k in allkeys:
# try:
# self[i].properties[k]
# except KeyError:
# self[i].properties[k] = None
def sdict(self):
d = {}
for s in self.sites:
d[['siteid']] = s
return d
def siteids(self):
return [['siteid'] for s in self]
except KeyError:
raise SiteidError('at least one site does not have siteid field!')
[docs] def get_site_byid(self, siteid):
:param int siteid:
:return: (a list of) msite obj
return self.sdict[siteid]
# if multimatch:
# sites_matches = []
# for s in self:
# if['siteid'] == siteid:
# sites_matches.append(s)
# if len(sites_matches) == 0:
# raise SiteidError('cannot get site by id: {}'.format(siteid))
# return sites_matches
# else:
# for s in self:
# if['siteid'] == siteid:
# return s
[docs] def get_sites_byids(self, siteids, copy=False):
self.checkstatus('all assigned', 'unique ids')
if not set(siteids).issubset(set(self.siteids)):
raise SiteidError('siteids is not a subset of sitelist when init conformer')
rs = []
for i in siteids:
s = self.sdict[i]
# for s in self:
# if['siteid'] in siteids:
if copy:
return rs
def status(self):
check status based on conformer.siteids
s = []
# if self.siteids[0] == 0:
# s.append('0start')
# else:
# s.append('not0strat')
if set(self.siteids) == {None}:
s.append('all none')
elif None in set(self.siteids):
s.append('partially none')
s.append('all assigned')
# try:
# cri = all(a + 1 == b for a, b in zip(self.siteids, self.siteids[1:]))
# if cri:
# s.append('continuous')
# else:
# s.append('not continuous')
# except TypeError:
# pass
if len(set(self.siteids)) < len(self.siteids):
s.append('duplicate ids')
s.append('unique ids')
return s
[docs] def assign_siteid(self, siteids):
:param siteids: default None means siteid = index, otherwise siteid = siteids[i]
if siteids is False:
elif siteids is None:
for i in range(len(self)):
self[i].properties['siteid'] = i
elif len(siteids) == len(self) and all(isinstance(i, int) for i in siteids):
for i in range(len(self)):
self[i].properties['siteid'] = siteids[i]
raise SiteidError('siteids are not legit!')
[docs] def checkstatus(self, *args):
for a in args:
if a in self.status:
raise SiteidError('no <{}> in status!'.format(a))
[docs]class BasicConformer(SiteidOperation):
[docs] def __init__(self, sites, siteids=False):
:param sites:
:param siteids: a list of siteids, siteids[index]=siteid of self[index]
self.checkstatus('all assigned', 'unique ids')
def composition(self):
return self.pmgmol.composition
def __eq__(self, other):
# using center should be enough for sites in a mol
if self.pmgmol == other.pmgmol:
return 1
return 0
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
[docs] def compare(self, other):
get similarity based on rmsd, return inf if two different molecules
if len(self) != len(other):
return np.inf
if set(self.atomic_numbers) != set(other.atomic_numbers):
return np.inf
rdmol1, smiles1, siteid2atomidx, atomidx2siteid = self.to_rdmol()
rdmol2, smiles2, siteid2atomidx, atomidx2siteid = other.to_rdmol()
if smiles1 != smiles2:
return np.inf
rdmol1 = Chem.RemoveHs(rdmol1)
rdmol2 = Chem.RemoveHs(rdmol2)
return rdMolAlign.GetBestRMS(rdmol1, rdmol2)
def pmgmol(self):
return Molecule.from_sites(self.sites)
def __repr__(self):
outs = ["{}:".format(self.__class__.__name__)]
for s in self:
outs.append(s.__repr__() + '\t' +
return "\n".join(outs)
def cart_coords(self):
coords = np.zeros((len(self), 3))
for i in range(len(self)):
coords[i] = self[i].coords
return coords
def index2siteid(self):
d = {}
for i in range(len(self)):
d[i] = self[i].siteid
return d
def siteid2index(self):
self.checkstatus('all assigned', 'unique ids')
d = {}
for i in range(len(self)):
d[self.siteids[i]] = i
return d
[docs] @staticmethod
def get_nbrmap(bmat):
:param np.ndarray bmat: bool bond matrix, i is not bonded to itself
:return: nbmap[i] is the index list of i's neighbors
ma = {}
numsites = len(bmat)
for i in range(numsites):
nbs = []
for j in range(numsites):
if bmat[i][j] and j != i:
ma[i] = nbs
return ma
def nbrmap(self):
return self.get_nbrmap(self.bondmat)
[docs] @staticmethod
def get_distmat(coordmat):
distanct matrix
:param coordmat: coordinates matrix nx3
:return: distmat[i][j] is the euclid distance between coordmat[i] and coordmat[j]
return squareform(pdist(coordmat))
def distmat(self):
return self.get_distmat(self.cart_coords)
[docs] def get_closest_sites(self, other):
other_sites -- self_border_site --- distmin --- other_border_site -- other_sites
this can be used to see if a dimer is interesting or not
:param AtomList other:
:return: i, j, distmin
conformer[i] is self_border_site,
conformer[j] is other_border_site,
distmat = cdist(self.cart_coords, other.cart_coords)
minid = np.unravel_index(np.argmin(distmat, axis=None), distmat.shape)
i_self_border_site = distmat[minid[0]]
j_other_border_site = distmat[minid[1]]
distmin = distmat[minid]
return i_self_border_site, j_other_border_site, self[i_self_border_site], other[j_other_border_site], distmin
[docs] def get_site_by_coords(self, coords, tol=1e-5):
will only return one site
:param coords:
:param tol:
for s in self:
if np.allclose(s.coords, coords, atol=tol):
return s
return None
[docs] @staticmethod
def get_bondmat(sites, distmat, co=1.3):
Bij = whether there is a bond between si and sj, i is NOT bonded with itself
if site is not a legit atom (e.g. bq in nics), it cannot have any bond
:param sites:
:param distmat:
:param co: coefficient for cutoff, default 1.3, based on covalent rad
:return: bool matrix
numsites = len(sites)
mat = np.zeros((numsites, numsites), dtype=bool)
for i in range(numsites):
irad = AtomicRadius(sites[i])
for j in range(i + 1, numsites):
jrad = AtomicRadius(sites[j])
cutoff = (irad + jrad) * co
if 1e-5 < distmat[i][j] < cutoff:
mat[i][j] = True
mat[j][i] = True
return mat
def bondmat(self, co=1.3):
return self.get_bondmat(self.sites, self.distmat, co)
def symbols(self):
return [s.species_string for s in self]
def geoc(self):
geometric center
:return: 3x1 np array
v = np.zeros(3)
for s in self:
v += s.coords
return v / len(self)
def volume_slow(self, boxdensity=0.2):
First, Lay a grid over the spheres.
Count the number or points contained in the spheres (Ns).
Count the number of points in the grid box (Ng).
Calculate the volume of the grid box (Vb).
don't use this as it's slow...
:return: volume in A^3
mat = np.empty((len(self), 4))
for i in range(len(self)):
for j in range(3):
mat[i][j] = self[i].coords[j]
mat[i][3] = self[i].element.covrad
box_min = np.floor(min(itertools.chain.from_iterable(mat))) - 2
box_max = np.ceil(max(itertools.chain.from_iterable(mat))) + 2
axis = np.arange(box_min, box_max + boxdensity, boxdensity)
grid = np.array(np.meshgrid(axis, axis, axis)).T.reshape(-1, 3)
ngps_total = len(grid)
ngps_occu = 0
for igp in range(len(grid)):
for iap in range(len(mat)):
dist = norm(grid[igp] - mat[iap][:3])
if dist < mat[iap][3]:
ngps_occu += 1
v = (ngps_occu / ngps_total) * ((box_max - box_min) ** 3)
return v
@property # type: ignore
def atomic_numbers(self):
"""List of atomic numbers."""
return tuple(site.specie.Z for site in self) # type: ignore
# @property
# def atomic_radii(self):
# return (Element(site.species_string).atomic_radius for site in self)
# return tuple(atomic_radius Elesite.species_string for site in self)
[docs] def intersection(self, other, copy=False):
:param other:
:param bool copy: whether generate a list of deepcopied sites or not
:return: a list of sites in conformer that belong to both
r = []
if copy:
for s in self:
if s in other:
for s in self:
if s in other:
return r
[docs] def issubset(self, other):
:param other:
:rtype: bool
return len(self) == len(self.intersection(other))
[docs] def sort_by_siteid(self):
self.checkstatus('all assigned')
self.sites = sorted(self.sites, key=lambda x:['siteid'])
[docs] def rotate_along(self, theta, end1, end2, unit='degree'):
for each site, rotate the vector defined by (site.coords - end1) along (end2 - end1) and add this vector to site.coords
end1 - end2
notice the coords are changed in-place
:param theta: angle of rotation
:param end1: 3x1 float list/array
:param end2: 3x1 float list/array
:param str unit: degree/radian
end1 = np.array(end1)
end2 = np.array(end2)
for s in self:
v = s.coords - end1
s.coords = end1 + rotate_along_axis(v, end2 - end1, theta, thetaunit=unit)
[docs] @staticmethod
def rotate_along_de_matrix(theta, end1, end2, unit='degree'):
rotation matrix :func:`~BasicConformer.rotate_along`
end1 = np.array(end1)
end2 = np.array(end2)
axis = end2 - end1
return rotation_matrix(axis, theta, thetaunit=unit)
[docs] def rotate_along_with_matrix(self, matrix, end1):
a quicker version rotate_along if we konw the rotation matrix, end2 is included in the matrix
end1 = np.array(end1)
for s in self:
v = s.coords - end1
s.coords = end1 +, v)
[docs] def orient(self, pqo, origin='geoc'):
p, q, o are 3 orthonormal vectors in x, y, z basis
basis transformation from xyz to pqo, notice sites are deepcopied
:param pqo: 3x3 array
:param origin: default geoc, otherwise a 3d coord
pqo = np.array(pqo)
p, q, o = pqo
newsites = []
if origin == 'geoc':
origin = self.geoc
origin = np.array(origin)
for s in self:
ns = deepcopy(s)
ns.coords = coord_transform(p, q, o, s.coords - origin)
return self.from_sites(newsites)
[docs] def get_nbrmap_based_on_siteid(self, co=1.3):
bmat = self.get_bondmat_based_on_siteid(co)
ma = {}
for i in self.siteids:
nbs = []
for j in self.siteids:
if bmat[i][j] and j != i:
ma[i] = nbs
return ma
def can_rdmol(self):
return True
return False
[docs] def get_bondmat_based_on_siteid(self, co=1.3):
# self.checkstatus('all assigned', 'unique ids')
distmat = self.distmat
siteid_to_disti = self.siteid2index
mat = {}
for ii in self.siteids:
mat[ii] = {}
for jj in self.siteids:
mat[ii][jj] = False
# print(self.siteids)
# mat = np.zeros((max(self.siteids) + 10, max(self.siteids) + 10), dtype=bool)
for isidi in range(len(self)):
sidi = self.siteids[isidi]
i = siteid_to_disti[sidi]
irad = AtomicRadius(self[i])
for isidj in range(isidi + 1, len(self)):
sidj = self.siteids[isidj]
j = siteid_to_disti[sidj]
jrad = AtomicRadius(self[j])
distance = distmat[i][j]
cutoff = (irad + jrad) * co
if 1e-5 < distance < cutoff:
mat[sidi][sidj] = True
mat[sidj][sidi] = True
return mat
[docs] def to_graph(self, nodename='siteid', graphtype='MolGraph', partition_scheme=None, joints: dict = None):
get a Graph, default siteid --> nodename
otherwise nodename is assigned based on the order in self.sites
bondmat_by_siteid = self.get_bondmat_based_on_siteid(co=1.3)
g = nx.Graph()
if nodename == 'siteid':
for i in range(len(self)):
s = self[i]
g.add_node(['siteid'], symbol=s.species_string)
for j in range(i + 1, len(self)):
ss = self[j]
g.add_node(['siteid'], symbol=ss.species_string)
if bondmat_by_siteid[['siteid']][['siteid']]:
if graphtype == 'MolGraph':
return MolGraph(g)
elif graphtype == 'FragmentGraph':
return FragmentGraph(g, joints=joints, partition_scheme=partition_scheme)
elif graphtype == 'BackboneGraph':
return BackboneGraph(g, joints=joints, partition_scheme=partition_scheme)
elif graphtype == 'SidechainGraph':
return SidechainGraph(g, joints=joints, partition_scheme=partition_scheme)
return BasicGraph(g)
[docs] def is_missing_hydrogen(self):
rdmol, smiles, siteid2atomidx, atomidx2siteid = self.to_rdmol() # hydrogens are explicitly added
warnings.warn('to_rdmol failed for this conformer! we believe it misses hydrogen')
return 666
# to_rdmol is quite sensitive to AC, if AC is wrong and charged_frag=False then nradical will be quite large
nradical = Descriptors.NumRadicalElectrons(rdmol)
return nradical
# this will do nothing as to_rdmol specified hydrogens
# rdmolh = Chem.AddHs(rdmol)
[docs] def to_rdmol(self, charge=0, sani=True, charged_fragments=None, force_single=False, expliciths=True):
generate a rdmol obj with current conformer
siteid --dict--> atomidx in rdmol == index in conformer
:param charge:
:param sani:
:param charged_fragments:
:param force_single:
:param expliciths:
siteid2atomidx = self.siteid2index
atomidx2siteid = self.index2siteid
conf = Chem.Conformer(len(self))
coordmat = self.cart_coords
for i in range(len(self)):
conf.SetAtomPosition(i, (coordmat[i][0], coordmat[i][1], coordmat[i][2]))
if hasattr(self, 'joints'): # LBYL
apriori_radicals = {}
for k in self.joints.keys():
apriori_radicals[siteid2atomidx[k]] = len(self.joints[k])
apriori_radicals = None
ac = self.bondmat
ap = ACParser(ac, charge, self.atomic_numbers, sani=sani, apriori_radicals=apriori_radicals)
if charged_fragments is None:
rdmol, smiles = ap.parse(charged_fragments=False, force_single=force_single, expliciths=expliciths)
except Chem.rdchem.AtomValenceException:
warnings.warn('AP parser cannot use radical scheme, trying to use charged frag')
rdmol, smiles = ap.parse(charged_fragments=True, force_single=force_single, expliciths=expliciths)
rdmol, smiles = ap.parse(charged_fragments=charged_fragments, force_single=force_single, expliciths=expliciths)
return rdmol, smiles, siteid2atomidx, atomidx2siteid
[docs] @classmethod
def from_sites(cls, sites, siteids=False):
we use this as the parent constructor
return cls(sites, siteids)
[docs] @classmethod
def from_pmgmol(cls, m: Molecule, siteids=False):
return cls.from_sites(m.sites, siteids)
[docs] @classmethod
def from_siteids(cls, siteids, sites, copy=False):
build up a ring based on a list of siteid and a list of sites
the sites should have been assigned siteids
rs = SiteidOperation(sites).get_sites_byids(siteids, copy)
return cls.from_sites(rs, siteids=False)
[docs] @classmethod
def from_file(cls, filename):
m = Molecule.from_file(filename)
c = cls.from_pmgmol(m, siteids=None)
'conformer built from file, siteids are assigned by the order of entries in file: {}'.format(filename))
return c
[docs] @classmethod
def from_str(cls, input_string, fmt):
m = Molecule.from_str(input_string, fmt)
conformer = cls.from_pmgmol(m, siteids=None)
warnings.warn('conformer built from string, siteids are assigned by the order of entries in the string')
return conformer
[docs] def as_dict(self):
d = {
"@module": self.__class__.__module__,
"@class": self.__class__.__name__,
"sites": [s.as_dict() for s in self],
return d
[docs] @classmethod
def from_dict(cls, d: dict):
sites = [Site.from_dict(sd) for sd in d['sites']]
return cls.from_sites(sites, siteids=False)
[docs]class BondConformer(BasicConformer):
[docs] def __init__(self, sites, siteids=False):
super().__init__(sites, siteids)
# self.checkstatus('all assigned', 'unique ids')
if len(self) != 2:
raise ConformerError('only use two sites to create a bond! you are using {}'.format(len(self)))
self.a = self[0]
self.b = self[1]
def length(self):
return norm(self.a.coords - self.b.coords)
[docs]class RingConformer(BasicConformer):
[docs] def __init__(self, sites, siteids=False):
super().__init__(sites, siteids)
# self.checkstatus('all assigned', 'unique ids')
self.n_member = len(self)
if self.n_member < 3:
raise ConformerError('you are initializing a ring with less than 3 sites!')
normal, self.ptsmean, self.pl_error = Fitter.plane_fit(self.cart_coords)
self.n1 = np.array(normal)
self.n2 = np.array(-normal)
def bonds_in_ring(self):
bond objects can be extracted from this ring
e.g. for benzene the C-H bonds are NOT here
:return: a list of bonds
bmat = self.bondmat
bonds = []
for ij in itertools.combinations(range(len(self)), 2):
i, j = ij
if bmat[i][j]:
b = BondConformer.from_sites([self[i], self[j]])
if b not in bonds:
return bonds
[docs] def normal_along(self, refnormal, tol=45.0):
get the n1 or n2 that is along the direction of refnormal within a certain tol
this is useful to identify 2 plane normals for a partially-bent structure
:param refnormal: 3x1 array
:param float tol: default 45 in degree
:return: None if no normal along refnormal found
for n in [self.n1, self.n2]:
if abs(angle_btw(n, refnormal)) < np.radians(tol):
return n
warnings.warn('W: no normal along this direction!')
return None
[docs] @staticmethod
def get_avg_norms(rings):
ref_ring = rings[0]
avg_norm = np.zeros(3)
for ring in rings:
normal_along_avenorm = ring.normal_along(ref_ring.n1)
if normal_along_avenorm is not None:
avg_norm += ring.normal_along(ref_ring.n1)
return unify(avg_norm), -unify(avg_norm)
[docs] def iscoplane_with_norm(self, v2, tol=20.0, tolunit='degree'):
whether two rings are on the same plane with tol
:param v2:
:param tol: degree default 20
:param tolunit: degree/radian
:return: bool
angles = []
if tolunit == 'degree':
tol = np.radians(tol)
for v1 in [self.n1, self.n2]:
angles.append(abs(angle_btw(v1, v2)))
if min(angles) < tol:
return True
return False
[docs] def iscoplane_with(self, other, tol=20.0, tolunit='degree'):
whether two rings are on the same plane with tol
:param Ring other:
:param tol: degree default 20
:param tolunit: degree/radian
:return: bool
angles = []
if tolunit == 'degree':
tol = np.radians(tol)
for v1 in [self.n1, self.n2]:
for v2 in [other.n1, other.n2]:
angles.append(abs(angle_btw(v1, v2)))
if min(angles) < tol:
return True
return False
[docs] def as_dict(self):
d = super().as_dict()
d['n_member'] = self.n_member
# d['bonds'] = [b.as_dict() for b in self.bonds_in_ring]
return d
[docs]def conformer_addh(c: BasicConformer, joints=None, original: BasicConformer = None):
all sites will be deep copied
if we know nothing about the joints, we have to find the under-coordinated sites, then terminate them based on # of
valence electrons
if we know the joints as a list or set of siteids but not the original conformer, we just terminate them based on # of valence electrons
if we know the joints as a dict but not the original conformer, we terminate them based on len(joints[siteid])
if we know the joints and the orginal conformer, we can terminate them based on # of bonds broken during fragmenting, in this case joints is a dict
:param c:
:param joints:
:param original:
:return: d[siteid_of_the_joint] = a list of hydrogen sites
if joints is None:
warnings.warn('adding h based on undercoordination')
nbrmap = c.nbrmap
hsites_by_joint_siteid = {}
for i in range(len(c)):
s = c[i]
hsites = []
nvalence = _coordination_rule[s.species_string]
except KeyError:
nvalence = 0
if nvalence > len(nbrmap[i]): # we got a joint
nh_to_be_added = nvalence - len(nbrmap[i])
if nh_to_be_added == 1 or nh_to_be_added == 3:
v_s_to_h = np.zeros(3)
for nb_idx in nbrmap[i]:
v_nb_to_s = s.coords - c[nb_idx].coords
v_s_to_h += v_nb_to_s
v_s_to_h = unify(v_s_to_h)
hcoords = s.coords + v_s_to_h * 1.1
hsite = Site('H', hcoords)
elif nh_to_be_added == 2:
if len(nbrmap[i]) == 2:
nb1 = c[nbrmap[i][0]]
nb2 = c[nbrmap[i][1]]
elif len(nbrmap[i]) == 1:
nb1 = c[nbrmap[i][0]]
nb2 = s.coords + np.array([1, 0, 0])
if unify(np.cross(nb1 - s.coords, nb2 - s.coords)) < 1e-5:
nb2 = s.coords + np.array([0, 1, 0])
raise NotImplemented('currently there are only two possilities')
v_s_to_h = unify(np.cross(nb1.coords - s.coords, nb2.coords - s.coords))
hcoords = s.coords + v_s_to_h * 1.1
hsite = Site('H', hcoords)
hcoords = s.coords + v_s_to_h * -1.1
hsite = Site('H', hcoords)
raise NotImplementedError('currently there are only two possilities')
hsites_by_joint_siteid[['siteid']] = hsites
return hsites_by_joint_siteid
if isinstance(joints, list) or isinstance(joints, set):
if original is None:
warnings.warn('adding h based on undercoordination at joints')
nbrmap = c.nbrmap
hsites_by_joint_siteid = {}
for i in range(len(c)):
s = c[i]
if['siteid'] not in joints:
hsites = []
nvalence = _coordination_rule[s.species_string]
except KeyError:
nvalence = 0
if nvalence > len(nbrmap[i]): # we got a joint
nh_to_be_added = nvalence - len(nbrmap[i])
if nh_to_be_added == 1 or nh_to_be_added == 3:
v_s_to_h = np.zeros(3)
for nb_idx in nbrmap[i]:
v_nb_to_s = s.coords - c[nb_idx].coords
v_s_to_h += v_nb_to_s
v_s_to_h = unify(v_s_to_h)
hcoords = s.coords + v_s_to_h * 1.1
hsite = Site('H', hcoords)
elif nh_to_be_added == 2:
if len(nbrmap[i]) == 2:
nb1 = c[nbrmap[i][0]]
nb2 = c[nbrmap[i][1]]
elif len(nbrmap[i]) == 1:
nb1 = c[nbrmap[i][0]]
nb2 = s.coords + np.array([1, 0, 0])
if unify(np.cross(nb1 - s.coords, nb2 - s.coords)) < 1e-5:
nb2 = s.coords + np.array([0, 1, 0])
raise NotImplemented('currently there are only two possilities')
v_s_to_h = unify(np.cross(nb1.coords - s.coords, nb2.coords - s.coords))
hcoords = s.coords + v_s_to_h * 1.1
hsite = Site('H', hcoords)
hcoords = s.coords + v_s_to_h * -1.1
hsite = Site('H', hcoords)
raise NotImplementedError('currently there are only two possilities')
hsites_by_joint_siteid[['siteid']] = hsites
return hsites_by_joint_siteid
elif isinstance(joints, dict):
if original is None:
'adding h based on fragmenting, but coords of H are calculated seperately as we do not know the original molecule')
hsites_by_joint_siteid = {}
nbrmap = c.nbrmap
for i in range(len(c)):
s = c[i]
if['siteid'] not in joints.keys():
hsites = []
nh_to_be_added = len(joints[['siteid']])
if nh_to_be_added == 1 or nh_to_be_added == 3:
v_s_to_h = np.zeros(3)
for nb_idx in nbrmap[i]:
v_nb_to_s = s.coords - c[nb_idx].coords
v_s_to_h += v_nb_to_s
v_s_to_h = unify(v_s_to_h)
hcoords = s.coords + v_s_to_h * 1.1
hsite = Site('H', hcoords)
elif nh_to_be_added == 2:
if len(nbrmap[i]) == 2:
nb1 = c[nbrmap[i][0]]
nb2 = c[nbrmap[i][1]]
elif len(nbrmap[i]) == 1:
nb1 = c[nbrmap[i][0]]
nb2 = s.coords + np.array([1, 0, 0])
if unify(np.cross(nb1 - s.coords, nb2 - s.coords)) < 1e-5:
nb2 = s.coords + np.array([0, 1, 0])
raise NotImplemented('currently there are only two possilities')
v_s_to_h = unify(np.cross(nb1.coords - s.coords, nb2.coords - s.coords))
hcoords = s.coords + v_s_to_h * 1.1
hsite = Site('H', hcoords)
hcoords = s.coords + v_s_to_h * -1.1
hsite = Site('H', hcoords)
raise NotImplementedError('currently there are only two possilities')
hsites_by_joint_siteid[['siteid']] = hsites
return hsites_by_joint_siteid
warnings.warn('adding h based on fragmenting, we know the original molecule')
hsites_by_joint_siteid = {}
for i in range(len(c)):
s = c[i]
if['siteid'] not in joints.keys():
hsites = []
for nb in joints[['siteid']]:
nb_site = original.get_site_byid(nb)
v_s_to_h = nb_site.coords - s.coords
v_s_to_h = unify(v_s_to_h)
hcoords = s.coords + v_s_to_h * 1.1
hsite = Site('H', hcoords)
hsites_by_joint_siteid[['siteid']] = hsites
return hsites_by_joint_siteid
raise TypeError('joints can be a list, set or a dict!')
[docs]def conformer_addhmol(c: BasicConformer, joints=None, original: BasicConformer = None):
hsite_dict = conformer_addh(c, joints, original)
sites = deepcopy(c.sites)
sites.sort(key=lambda x:len(, reverse=True)
original_properties = sites[0].properties
original_site_keys = original_properties.keys()
hydrogen_assign_keys = ['occu', 'disg', 'iasym', 'imol', 'icell']
warnings.warn("hydrogen site properties {} will be assigned based on {}".format(hydrogen_assign_keys, original_properties))
hsites_to_be_added = []
for k, v in hsite_dict.items():
hsites_to_be_added += v
for ihs in range(len(hsites_to_be_added)):
for k in original_site_keys:
if k in hydrogen_assign_keys:
hsites_to_be_added[ihs].properties[k] = original_properties[k]
elif k == 'siteid':
hsites_to_be_added[ihs].properties[k] = -(ihs + 1)
elif k == 'label':
hsites_to_be_added[ihs].properties[k] = 'addedh'
hsites_to_be_added[ihs].properties[k] = 'addh_null'
sites += hsites_to_be_added
return Molecule.from_sites(SiteidOperation(sites).sites)
from typing import Union
[docs]class FragConformer(BasicConformer):
_conformer_properties = {}
[docs] def __init__(
self, sites,
graph: Union[FragmentGraph, BackboneGraph, SidechainGraph] = None,
super().__init__(sites, siteids)
if conformer_properties is None:
self.conformer_properties = {}
self.conformer_properties = conformer_properties
if isinstance(graph, FragmentGraph):
self.graph = graph
raise ConformerError('Missing FragmentGraph!')
self.joints = self.graph.joints
self.rings = self.get_rings()
[docs] def get_rings(self):
rings = nx.minimum_cycle_basis(self.graph.graph) # technically sssr
rings = sorted(rings, key=lambda x: len(x))
rcs = []
for r in rings:
ring = RingConformer.from_siteids(r, self.sites, copy=False)
return rcs
[docs] @classmethod
def from_sites(cls, sites, graph=None, siteids=False, conformer_properties=None):
bc = BasicConformer.from_sites(sites, siteids)
if graph is None:
graph = bc.to_graph('siteid', 'FragmentGraph')
return cls(sites, siteids, conformer_properties, graph)
[docs] @classmethod
def from_siteids(cls, siteids, sites, graph=None, copy=False, conformer_properties=None, ):
rs = SiteidOperation(sites).get_sites_byids(siteids, copy)
return cls.from_sites(rs, siteids=False, conformer_properties=conformer_properties, graph=graph)
[docs] @classmethod
def from_dict(cls, d: dict):
graph = FragmentGraph.from_dict(d['graph'])
prop = d['conformer_properties']
sites = [Site.from_dict(sd) for sd in d['sites']]
return cls.from_sites(sites, graph=graph, siteids=False, conformer_properties=prop)
[docs] def as_dict(self):
d = super().as_dict()
d['conformer_properties'] = self.conformer_properties
d['graph'] = self.graph.as_dict()
return d
[docs] @classmethod
def from_pmgmol(cls, m: Molecule, siteids=False, conformer_properties=None, graph=None):
return cls.from_sites(m.sites, siteids, conformer_properties, graph)
[docs]class BoneConformer(FragConformer):
_bone_conformer_properties = {
'pfit_vo': None,
'pfit_vp': None,
'pfit_vq': None,
'lfiterror': None,
'pfiterror': None,
[docs] def __init__(
self, sites,
graph: BackboneGraph = None,
if conformer_properties is None:
conformer_properties = self._bone_conformer_properties
super().__init__(sites, siteids, conformer_properties, graph)
# self.checkstatus('all assigned', 'unique ids')
if any(v is None for v in self.conformer_properties.values()) or any(
k not in self.conformer_properties.keys() for k in self._bone_conformer_properties.keys()):
prop = self.conformer_properties
self.pfit_vo = prop['pfit_vo']
self.pfit_vp = prop['pfit_vp']
self.pfit_vq = prop['pfit_vq']
self.lfit_error = prop['lfit_error']
self.pfit_error = prop['pfit_error']
self.lfit_ptsmean = prop['lfit_ptsmean']
self.pfit_ptsmean = prop['pfit_ptsmean']
# for k, v in self.conformer_properties.items():
# self.__setattr__(k, v)
[docs] def calculate_conformer_properties(self):
if len(self.rings) == 1 or len(self.rings) == 0:
warnings.warn('W: you are init backbone with one or no ring! fitting params will be set to defaults')
site_to_geoc = [s.coords - self.geoc for s in self]
lfit_vp = sorted(site_to_geoc, key=lambda x: norm(x))[-1]
lfit_vp = unify(lfit_vp)
lfit_error = 0
lfit_ptsmean = self.geoc
lfit_vp, lfit_ptsmean, lfit_error = Fitter.linear_fit([r.geoc for r in self.rings])
lfit_vp = unify(lfit_vp)
# this is the plane fit, vp taken from the projection of lfit_vp
# the fitted plane is now used as a cart coord sys with origin at ptsmean
pfit_vo, pfit_ptsmean, pfit_error = Fitter.plane_fit(self.cart_coords)
pfit_vp = unify(get_proj_point2plane(pfit_ptsmean + lfit_vp, pfit_vo, pfit_ptsmean) - pfit_ptsmean)
pfit_vq = unify(np.cross(pfit_vo, pfit_vp))
# pfit_plane_params = get_plane_param(pfit_vo, pfit_ptsmean)
self.conformer_properties = {
'pfit_vo': pfit_vo,
'pfit_vp': pfit_vp,
'pfit_vq': pfit_vq,
'lfit_error': lfit_error,
'pfit_error': pfit_error,
'lfit_ptsmean': lfit_ptsmean,
'pfit_ptsmean': pfit_ptsmean
def lq(self):
maxdiff( (s.coord - ref) proj at vq )
:return: long axis length
ref = self.rings[0].geoc
projs = [ - ref, self.pfit_vo) for s in self]
return max(projs) - min(projs)
def lp(self):
maxdiff( (s.coord - ref) proj at vp )
:return: short axis length
ref = self.rings[0].geoc
projs = [ - ref, self.pfit_vo) for s in self]
return max(projs) - min(projs)
[docs] @classmethod
def from_sites(cls, sites, graph=None, siteids=False, conformer_properties=None):
bc = BasicConformer.from_sites(sites, siteids)
if graph is None:
graph = bc.to_graph('siteid', 'BackboneGraph')
c = cls(sites, siteids, conformer_properties, graph)
return c
[docs] @classmethod
def from_dict(cls, d: dict):
graph = BackboneGraph.from_dict(d['graph'])
prop = d['conformer_properties']
sites = [Site.from_dict(sd) for sd in d['sites']]
return cls.from_sites(sites, graph=graph, siteids=False, conformer_properties=prop)
[docs]class SidechainConformer(FragConformer):
this can be considered as a special backbone with just one joint
_sidechain_conformer_properties = {}
[docs] def __init__(
self, sites,
graph: SidechainGraph = None
super().__init__(sites, siteids, conformer_properties, graph)
if conformer_properties is None:
self.conformer_properties = self._sidechain_conformer_properties
if len(self.joints.keys()) != 1:
raise ConformerError('sidechain init with no or >1 joints')
self.sidechain_joint_siteid = list(self.joints.keys())[0]
self.sidechain_joint = self.get_site_byid(self.sidechain_joint_siteid)
[docs] @classmethod
def from_sites(cls, sites, graph=None, siteids=False, conformer_properties=None):
bc = BasicConformer.from_sites(sites, siteids)
if graph is None:
graph = bc.to_graph('siteid', 'SidechainGraph')
c = cls(sites, siteids, conformer_properties, graph)
return c
[docs] @classmethod
def from_dict(cls, d: dict):
graph = SidechainGraph.from_dict(d['graph'])
prop = d['conformer_properties']
sites = [Site.from_dict(sd) for sd in d['sites']]
return cls.from_sites(sites, graph=graph, siteids=False, conformer_properties=prop)
[docs]class MolConformer(BasicConformer):
rings: List[RingConformer]
_mol_conformer_properties = {
# 'smiles': None,
[docs] def __init__(
graph: MolGraph = None,
rdmol: Chem.Mol = None,
smiles: str = None,
siteid2atomidx: dict = None,
atomidx2siteid: dict = None,
backbone: BoneConformer = None,
sccs: [SidechainConformer] = None,
backbone_graph: BackboneGraph = None,
scgs: [SidechainGraph] = None,
chrombone: FragConformer = None,
chromsccs: [FragConformer] = None,
chrombone_graph: FragmentGraph = None,
chromscgs: [FragmentGraph] = None,
super().__init__(sites, siteids)
# self.checkstatus('all assigned', 'unique ids')
self.rdmol = rdmol
self.smiles = smiles
self.siteid2atomidx = siteid2atomidx
self.atomidx2siteid = atomidx2siteid
self.graph = graph
self.rings = []
for r in self.graph.rings:
ring = RingConformer.from_siteids(r, self.sites, copy=False)
if len(self.rings) < 2:
self.is_solvent = True
self.is_solvent = False
self.backbone = backbone
self.backbone_graph = backbone_graph
self.sccs = sccs
self.scgs = scgs
self.chrombone = chrombone
self.chromsccs = chromsccs
self.chrombone_graph = chrombone_graph
self.chromscgs = chromscgs
self.coplane_cutoff = coplane_cutoff
if prop is None:
self.conformer_properties = self._mol_conformer_properties
self.conformer_properties = prop
[docs] def as_dict(self):
d = super().as_dict()
d['rdmol'] = RdFunc.mol_as_json(self.rdmol)
d['smiles'] = self.smiles
d['siteid2atomidx'] = stringkey(self.siteid2atomidx)
d['atomidx2siteid'] = stringkey(self.atomidx2siteid)
d['graph'] = self.graph.as_dict()
d['rings'] = [r.as_dict() for r in self.rings]
d['coplane_cutoff'] = self.coplane_cutoff
d['conformer_properties'] = self.conformer_properties
d['backbone'] = self.backbone.as_dict()
d['backbone_graph'] = self.backbone_graph.as_dict()
d['sccs'] = [sc.as_dict() for sc in self.sccs]
d['scgs'] = [sg.as_dict() for sg in self.scgs]
except AttributeError:
d['backbone'] = None
d['backbone_graph'] = None
d['sccs'] = None
d['scgs'] = None
d['chrombone'] = self.chrombone.as_dict()
d['chrombone_graph'] = self.chrombone_graph.as_dict()
d['chromsccs'] = [sc.as_dict() for sc in self.chromsccs]
d['chromscgs'] = [sg.as_dict() for sg in self.chromscgs]
except AttributeError:
d['chrombone'] = None
d['chrombone_graph'] = None
d['chromsccs'] = None
d['chromscgs'] = None
d['conformer_properties'] = self.conformer_properties
return d
[docs] @classmethod
def from_dict(cls, d: dict):
sites = [Site.from_dict(sd) for sd in d['sites']]
siteids = False
prop = d['conformer_properties']
graph = MolGraph.from_dict(d['graph'])
rdmol = RdFunc.mol_from_json(d['rdmol'])
smiles = d['smiles']
siteid2atomidx = intkey(d['siteid2atomidx'])
atomidx2siteid = intkey(d['atomidx2siteid'])
coplane_cutoff = d['coplane_cutoff']
backbone = BoneConformer.from_dict(d['backbone'])
sccs = [SidechainConformer.from_dict(scd) for scd in d['sccs']]
backbone_graph = BackboneGraph.from_dict(d['backbone_graph'])
scgs = [SidechainGraph.from_dict(scd) for scd in d['scgs']]
chrombone = FragConformer.from_dict(d['chrombone'])
chromsccs = [FragConformer.from_dict(fd) for fd in d['sccs']]
chrombone_graph = FragmentGraph.from_dict(d['chrombone_graph'])
chromscgs = [FragmentGraph.from_dict(fg) for fg in d['chromscgs']]
mc = cls(
return mc
[docs] @staticmethod
def chrom_partition(mc: BasicConformer, rdmol, atomidx2siteid, molgraph: MolGraph, withhalogen=True):
if withhalogen:
cgs = RdFunc.get_conjugate_group(rdmol)
cgs = RdFunc.get_conjugate_group_with_halogen(rdmol)
chromol, aid_to_newid_chromol = cgs[0]
except IndexError:
raise ConformerError('rdkit cannot find a chrom here!')
aids_in_chromol = list(aid_to_newid_chromol.keys())
siteids_in_chromol = [atomidx2siteid[aid] for aid in aids_in_chromol]
chromol_joints, other_joints, chromolsg, sg_components = MolGraph.get_joints_and_subgraph(
siteids_in_chromol, molgraph.graph)
cg, fgs = MolGraph.get_chrom_and_frags_from_nxgraph(chromolsg, sg_components)
chromolc = FragConformer.from_siteids(
siteids_in_chromol, mc.sites, graph=cg, copy=False
) # you need to make sure there is at least a ring here
fragcs = []
for fg in fgs:
fragc = FragConformer.from_siteids(fg.graph.nodes, mc.sites, graph=fg, copy=False, )
return chromolc, fragcs, cg, fgs
[docs] @staticmethod
def geo_partition(bc: BasicConformer, molgraph: MolGraph, coplane_cutoff=30.0):
lgfr = []
for r in molgraph.lgfr:
ring = RingConformer.from_siteids(r, bc.sites, False)
raise ConformerError('cannot get lgfr!')
avgn1, avgn2 = RingConformer.get_avg_norms(lgfr)
def coplane_check(ring_siteids, tol=coplane_cutoff):
ringconformer = RingConformer.from_siteids(ring_siteids, bc.sites, False)
coplane = ringconformer.iscoplane_with_norm(avgn1, tol, 'degree')
return coplane
bg, scgs = molgraph.partition_to_bone_frags('lgcr', additional_criteria=coplane_check)
raise ConformerError('cannot lgcr partition with coplane_cutoff: {}!'.format(coplane_cutoff))
bone_conformer = BoneConformer.from_siteids(bg.graph.nodes, bc.sites, graph=bg, copy=False)
sccs = []
for scg in scgs:
sc_joint_site_id = list(scg.graph.graph['joints'].keys())[0]
bc_joint_site_id = scg.graph.graph['joints'][sc_joint_site_id][0]
bc_joint_site = bc.get_site_byid(bc_joint_site_id)
# print(bc_joint_site)
v_sc_position = bc_joint_site.coords - bc.geoc
sc_position_angle = angle_btw(v_sc_position, bone_conformer.pfit_vp, 'degree')
scc = SidechainConformer.from_siteids(scg.graph.nodes, bc.sites, copy=False, graph=scg,
conformer_properties={'sc_position_angle': sc_position_angle,
'bc_joint_siteid': bc_joint_site_id})
return bone_conformer, sccs, bg, scgs # sccs <--> scgs bijection
[docs] @classmethod
def from_sites(cls, sites, siteids=False, prop=None, coplane_cutoff=30.0, withhalogen=True):
bc = BasicConformer.from_sites(sites, siteids)
rdmol, smiles, siteid2atomidx, atomidx2siteid = bc.to_rdmol()
graph = bc.to_graph('siteid', 'MolGraph')
backbone, sccs, backbone_graph, scgs = MolConformer.geo_partition(bc, graph, coplane_cutoff)
except ConformerError:
warnings.warn('geo_partition failed!')
backbone, sccs, backbone_graph, scgs = [None] * 4
chrombone, chromsccs, chrombone_graph, chromscgs = MolConformer.chrom_partition(bc, rdmol, atomidx2siteid,
graph, withhalogen)
except ConformerError:
warnings.warn('chrom_partition failed!')
chrombone, chromsccs, chrombone_graph, chromscgs = [None] * 4
mc = cls(
return mc
[docs] def to_addhmol(self, bonescheme='geo'):
add h and return pmg mol
if bonescheme == 'geo':
backbone_hmol = conformer_addhmol(self.backbone, joints=self.backbone_graph.joints, original=self)
sccs = self.sccs
scgs = self.scgs
elif bonescheme == 'chrom':
backbone_hmol = conformer_addhmol(self.chrombone, joints=self.chrombone_graph.joints, original=self)
sccs = self.chromsccs
scgs = self.chromscgs
raise NotImplementedError('addh for {} not implemented'.format(bonescheme))
schmols = []
for i in range(len(sccs)):
scc = sccs[i]
scg = scgs[i]
scch = conformer_addhmol(scc, scg.joints, self)
return backbone_hmol, schmols
[docs]class ConformerDimer:
[docs] def __init__(self, conformer_ref: MolConformer, conformer_var: MolConformer, label=""):
basically 2 conformers
:param conformer_ref:
:param conformer_var:
:param str label: mainly used to distinguish
vslip: slip vector in cart
vslipnorm: normalized vslip
pslip: projection of vslip along vp
qslip: projection of vslip along vq
oslip: projection of vslip along vo
pangle: angle btw vps
qangle: angle btw vps
oangle: angle btw vps, always acute
jmol: jmol draw arrow string in console
self.conformer_ref = conformer_ref
self.conformer_var = conformer_var
self.label = label
ref_bone = self.conformer_ref.backbone
var_bone = self.conformer_var.backbone
self.vslip = var_bone.geoc - ref_bone.geoc
self.vslipnorm = norm(self.vslip)
ref_vp_fit = ref_bone.conformer_properties['pfit_vp']
ref_vq_fit = ref_bone.conformer_properties['pfit_vq']
ref_vo_fit = ref_bone.conformer_properties['pfit_vo']
var_vp_fit = var_bone.conformer_properties['pfit_vp']
var_vq_fit = var_bone.conformer_properties['pfit_vq']
var_vo_fit = var_bone.conformer_properties['pfit_vo']
self.pslip = abs(self.vslip @ ref_vp_fit)
self.qslip = abs(self.vslip @ ref_vq_fit)
self.oslip = abs(self.vslip @ ref_vo_fit)
self.pangle = angle_btw(ref_vp_fit, var_vp_fit, output='degree')
self.qangle = angle_btw(ref_vq_fit, var_vq_fit, output='degree')
self.oangle = angle_btw(ref_vo_fit, var_vo_fit, output='degree')
if self.oangle > 90:
self.oangle = 180 - self.oangle
self.jmol = "draw arrow {{ {:.4f}, {:.4f}, {:.4f} }} {{ {:.4f}, {:.4f}, {:.4f} }}".format(*ref_bone.geoc,
[docs] def as_dict(self):
keys are
vslipnorm, pslip, qslip, oslip, pangle, qangle, oangle, jmol, label, omol_ref, omol_var
d = {"@module": self.__class__.__module__, "@class": self.__class__.__name__, 'vslipnorm': self.vslipnorm,
'pslip': self.pslip, 'qslip': self.qslip, 'oslip': self.oslip, 'pangle': self.pangle,
'qangle': self.qangle, 'oangle': self.oangle, 'jmol': self.jmol, 'label': self.label,
'ref': self.conformer_ref.as_dict(), 'var': self.conformer_var.as_dict()}
return d
[docs] @classmethod
def from_dict(cls, d):
keys are
omol_ref, omol_var, label
ref = MolConformer.from_dict(d['ref'])
var = MolConformer.from_dict(d['var'])
label = d['label']
return cls(ref, var, label)
[docs] def to_xyz(self, fn, center_label=False):
sites = self.conformer_ref.sites + self.conformer_var.sites
if center_label:
sites += [Site('La', self.conformer_ref.geoc)]
sites += [Site('La', self.conformer_var.geoc)]
Molecule.from_sites(sites).to('xyz', fn)
[docs] def to_xyzstring(self, center_label=False):
sites = self.conformer_ref.sites + self.conformer_var.sites
if center_label:
sites += [Site('La', self.conformer_ref.geoc)]
sites += [Site('La', self.conformer_var.geoc)]
return str(XYZ(Molecule.from_sites(sites)))
def is_identical(self):
whether two omols are identical, based on norm(vslip) < 1e-5
return np.linalg.norm(self.vslip) < 1e-5
def is_not_identical(self):
return not self.is_identical
def is_bone_close(self, cutoff=6.5):
use to identify whether this dimer can have minimum wf overlap, ONLY consider bone distance
this should be called is_not_faraway...
:param cutoff: minbonedist less than which will be considered close
:return: bool
return self.minbonedist < cutoff
def is_close(self, cutoff=6.5):
use to identify whether this dimer can have minimum wf overlap
this should be called is_not_faraway...
:param cutoff:
:return: bool
return self.mindist < cutoff
# @property
# def stack_type(self, cutoff=1.0):
# if self.oangle < 30.0 * cutoff:
# return 'face_to_face'
# else:
# return 'face_to_edge'
def mindist(self):
:return: minimum dist between sites on different bones
distmat = cdist(self.conformer_ref.cart_coords, self.conformer_var.cart_coords)
return np.min(distmat)
def minbonedist(self):
:return: minimum dist between sites on different bones
distmat = cdist(self.conformer_ref.backbone.cart_coords, self.conformer_var.backbone.cart_coords)
return np.min(distmat)
[docs] def plt_bone_overlap(self, algo='convex', output='bone_overlap.eps'):
plot a 2d graph of how backbones overlap
using concave or convex hull
:param algo: concave/convex
:param output: output filename
ref_bone = self.conformer_ref.backbone
ref_p = ref_bone.conformer_properties['pfit_vp']
ref_q = ref_bone.conformer_properties['pfit_vq']
ref_o = ref_bone.conformer_properties['pfit_vo']
origin = self.conformer_ref.backbone.geoc
ref_proj_pts = [get_proj_point2plane(rs.coords, ref_o, origin) for rs in self.conformer_ref.backbone.sites]
var_proj_pts = [get_proj_point2plane(vs.coords, ref_o, origin) for vs in self.conformer_var.backbone.sites]
# convert to 2d points on the plane
ref_2dpts = [coord_transform(ref_p, ref_q, ref_o, p3d)[:2] for p3d in ref_proj_pts]
var_2dpts = [coord_transform(ref_p, ref_q, ref_o, p3d)[:2] for p3d in var_proj_pts]
if algo == 'concave':
ref_hull, ref_edge_points = alpha_shape(ref_2dpts)
var_hull, var_edge_points = alpha_shape(var_2dpts)
elif algo == 'convex':
ref_hull = Polygon(ref_2dpts).convex_hull
var_hull = Polygon(var_2dpts).convex_hull
raise ConformerError('bone_overlap receive a wrong algo spec')
x, y = var_hull.exterior.coords.xy
points = np.array([x, y]).T
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
polygon_shape = patches.Polygon(points, linewidth=1, edgecolor='r', facecolor='r')
x, y = ref_hull.exterior.coords.xy
points = np.array([x, y]).T
polygon_shape = patches.Polygon(points, linewidth=1, edgecolor='b', facecolor='b', label='ref')
[docs] def mol_overlap(self, algo='concave'):
project var mol onto the plane of ref mol
:param algo: concave/convex
:return: area of the overlap, ref omol area, var omol area
ref_bone = self.conformer_ref.backbone
ref_p = ref_bone.conformer_properties['pfit_vp']
ref_q = ref_bone.conformer_properties['pfit_vq']
ref_o = ref_bone.conformer_properties['pfit_vo']
origin = self.conformer_ref.backbone.geoc
ref_proj_pts = [get_proj_point2plane(rs.coords, ref_o, origin) for rs in self.conformer_ref.sites]
var_proj_pts = [get_proj_point2plane(vs.coords, ref_o, origin) for vs in self.conformer_var.sites]
# convert to 2d points on the plane
ref_2dpts = [coord_transform(ref_p, ref_q, ref_o, p3d)[:2] for p3d in ref_proj_pts]
var_2dpts = [coord_transform(ref_p, ref_q, ref_o, p3d)[:2] for p3d in var_proj_pts]
if algo == 'concave':
ref_hull, ref_edge_points = alpha_shape(ref_2dpts)
var_hull, var_edge_points = alpha_shape(var_2dpts)
elif algo == 'convex':
ref_hull = Polygon(ref_2dpts).convex_hull
var_hull = Polygon(var_2dpts).convex_hull
raise ConformerError('overlap receive a wrong algo spec')
return (ref_hull.intersection(var_hull).area,
[docs] def bone_overlap(self, algo='concave'):
project var backbone onto the plane of ref backbone
as there's the problem of alpha value in concave hull generation, maybe I should set default to convex, see hull_test
:param algo: concave/convex
:return: area of the overlap, ref omol area, var omol area
ref_bone = self.conformer_ref.backbone
ref_p = ref_bone.conformer_properties['pfit_vp']
ref_q = ref_bone.conformer_properties['pfit_vq']
ref_o = ref_bone.conformer_properties['pfit_vo']
origin = self.conformer_ref.backbone.geoc
ref_proj_pts = [get_proj_point2plane(rs.coords, ref_o, origin) for rs in self.conformer_ref.backbone.sites]
var_proj_pts = [get_proj_point2plane(vs.coords, ref_o, origin) for vs in self.conformer_var.backbone.sites]
# convert to 2d points on the plane
ref_2dpts = [coord_transform(ref_p, ref_q, ref_o, p3d)[:2] for p3d in ref_proj_pts]
var_2dpts = [coord_transform(ref_p, ref_q, ref_o, p3d)[:2] for p3d in var_proj_pts]
if algo == 'concave':
ref_hull, ref_edge_points = alpha_shape(ref_2dpts)
var_hull, var_edge_points = alpha_shape(var_2dpts)
elif algo == 'convex':
ref_hull = Polygon(ref_2dpts).convex_hull
var_hull = Polygon(var_2dpts).convex_hull
raise ConformerError('overlap receive a wrong algo spec')
mindist2d = ref_hull.distance(var_hull)
return (ref_hull.intersection(var_hull).area,
def sites(self):
return self.conformer_ref.sites + self.conformer_var.sites
[docs]class DimerCollection:
[docs] def __init__(self, dimers: [ConformerDimer]):
just a list of dimers, they should share the same ref_mol
self.dimers = dimers
[docs] def get_xyz_string(self, lalabel=False):
:return: xyz string to be written
sites = []
d: ConformerDimer
for d in self.dimers:
sites += d.conformer_var.sites
if lalabel:
sites += [Site('La', ss.coords, for ss in self.dimers[0].conformer_ref.sites]
mol = Molecule.from_sites(sites)
xyz = XYZ(mol)
return str(xyz)
[docs] def to_xyz(self, fn, lalabel=False):
:param lalabel:
:param fn: xyz file name, with extension
with open(fn, 'w') as f: