Source code for ocelot.schema.configuration

import warnings
from copy import deepcopy
from itertools import groupby

import hashlib
import numpy as np
from pymatgen.core.sites import PeriodicSite
from pymatgen.core.structure import Molecule
from pymatgen.core.structure import Structure

from ocelot.routines.pbc import PBCparser
from ocelot.schema.conformer import ConformerDimer
from ocelot.schema.conformer import ConformerError
from ocelot.schema.conformer import MolConformer
from ocelot.schema.conformer import conformer_addhmol

[docs]class Config: molconformers: [MolConformer]
[docs] def __init__(self, molconformers, unwrap_clean_pstructure: Structure, occu=1.0): """ :param unwrap_clean_pstructure: Structure without disorder """ self.pstructure = unwrap_clean_pstructure self.molconformers = molconformers for i in range(len(self.molconformers)): try: imols = list(set([['imol'] for s in self.molconformers[i]])) if len(imols) == 1: self.molconformers[i].conformer_properties['imol'] = imols[0] except KeyError: warnings.warn('imol field was not assigned!') continue self.z = len(self.molconformers) self.z_nonsolvent = len([m for m in self.molconformers if not m.is_solvent]) if self.z_nonsolvent < self.z: self.hassolvent = True else: self.hassolvent = False self.occu = occu
# def __init__(self, pstructure: Structure, occu=1.0, assign_siteids=False): # """ # :param pstructure: Structure without disorder # """ # self.pstructure = deepcopy(pstructure) # # if assign_siteids: # print('assign siteid when init a config') # for isite in range(len(self.pstructure)): # self.pstructure[isite].properties['siteid'] = isite # self.mols, self.unwrap_structure, self.psiteblocks = PBCparser.unwrap_and_squeeze(self.pstructure) # # self.mols, self.molconformers, self.unwrap_structure = PBCparser.squeeze(self.pstructure) # # self.molconformers = [MolConformer.from_pmgmol(m) for m in self.mols] # # self.z = len(self.molconformers) # self.z_nonsolvent = len([m for m in self.molconformers if not m.is_solvent]) # if self.z_nonsolvent < self.z: # self.hassolvent = True # else: # self.hassolvent = False # for i in range(self.z): # self.molconformers[i].conformer_properties = { # 'index in the cell': i} # this is just imol for sites in the mc # self.occu = occu # # self.dimers_array, self.transv_fcs = self.get_dimers_array(2) def __repr__(self): s = 'configuration with occu: {}\n'.format(self.occu) for psite in self.pstructure.sites: # for psite in self.pstructure.sites: s += psite.__repr__() s += '\t' s += s += '\n' return s
[docs] def molconformers_all_legit(self): return all(mc.can_rdmol for mc in self.molconformers)
[docs] def molgraph_set(self): molgraphs = [mc.graph for mc in self.molconformers] return set(molgraphs)
[docs] def as_dict(self, dimermaxfold=2): """ keys are pymatgen_structure, mols, mcs, z, dimers_dict_array, occu """ d = {"@module": self.__class__.__module__, "@class": self.__class__.__name__, 'clean_unwrap_structure': self.pstructure.as_dict(), 'molconformers': [m.as_dict() for m in self.molconformers], 'z': self.z, 'occu': self.occu} # dimers_array, transv_fcs = self.get_dimers_array(dimermaxfold, fast=True) # dimers_dictarray = np.empty((self.z, self.z, len(transv_fcs)), dtype=dict) # for i in range(self.z): # for j in range(self.z): # for k in range(len(transv_fcs)): # dimers_dictarray[i][j][k] = dimers_array[i][j][k].as_dict() # d['dimers_dict_array'] = dimers_dictarray # d['dimers_dict_array_maxfold'] = dimermaxfold return d
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, d): """ keys are pymatgen_structure """ pstructure = Structure.from_dict(d['clean_unwrap_structure']) try: occu = d['occu'] except KeyError: occu = 1.0 return cls.from_pstructure(pstructure, occu)
[docs] def hashconfig(self, hashmethod=hashlib.sha256): latt = self.pstructure.lattice latt_str = '_'.join(['{:.3f}'] * 9) latt_str = latt_str.format(*latt.matrix.flatten()) comp_str = self.pstructure.composition.__repr__() # or use smiles mg_props = [mg.props_for_hash for mg in self.molgraph_set()] mg_props.sort() mg_str = str(mg_props) combine = '---'.join([latt_str, comp_str, mg_str]) return hashmethod(combine.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
[docs] def get_dimers_array(self, maxfold=2, fast=False, symm=False): """ :param fast: :param symm: :param maxfold: translation vector in fc can be [h, h, h] where maxfold <= h <= maxfold :return: dimers_array, z x z x n array, dimers[i][j][k] is the dimer of omols[i], omols[j] with translation vector as transv_fcs[k] transv_fcs """ transv_1d = list(range(-maxfold, maxfold + 1)) transv_fcs = np.array(np.meshgrid(transv_1d, transv_1d, transv_1d)).T.reshape(-1, 3) # symmetry dimers[i][j][transv_fcs[k]] = dimers[j][i][-transv_fcs[k]] nuni = int((len(transv_fcs) + 1) / 2) uni_transv_fcs = transv_fcs[:nuni] # as transv_fcs[i] == -transv_fcs[len-i-1] if symm: dimers = np.empty((self.z, self.z, len(uni_transv_fcs)), dtype=ConformerDimer) used_transv_fcs = uni_transv_fcs else: dimers = np.empty((self.z, self.z, len(transv_fcs)), dtype=ConformerDimer) used_transv_fcs = transv_fcs for i in range(self.z): ref_omol = self.molconformers[i] for j in range(self.z): var_omol = self.molconformers[j] for k in range(len(used_transv_fcs)): transv = self.pstructure.lattice.get_cartesian_coords(used_transv_fcs[k]) if fast: var_omol_k = deepcopy(var_omol) for h in range(len(var_omol_k)): var_omol_k.sites[h].coords += transv dimer_ijk = ConformerDimer(ref_omol, var_omol_k, label="{}_{}_{}".format(i, j, k)) # dimer_ji_nk = Dimer(ref_omol, var_omol_nk, label="{}-{}_{}".format(i, j, ntrans-k-1)) else: msites = deepcopy(var_omol.sites) for h in range(len(msites)): msites[h].coords += transv dimer_ijk = ConformerDimer(ref_omol, MolConformer(msites, prop=var_omol.conformer_properties), label="{}_{}_{}".format(i, j, k)) dimers[i][j][k] = dimer_ijk return dimers, transv_fcs
[docs] def get_bone_config(self): """ :return: a configuration that has only terminated backbones a pmg structure that has only terminated backbones a list of pmg molecules """ terminated_backbone_hmols = [ conformer_addhmol(mc.backbone, joints=mc.backbone_graph.joints, original=mc) for mc in self.molconformers] backbone_sites = [] for b in terminated_backbone_hmols: backbone_sites += b.sites boneonly_psites = [PeriodicSite(s.species_string, s.coords, self.pstructure.lattice, to_unit_cell=False, coords_are_cartesian=True, for s in backbone_sites] boneonly_pstructure = Structure.from_sites(boneonly_psites) boneonly_molconformers = [MolConformer.from_pmgmol(m) for m in terminated_backbone_hmols] return Config(boneonly_molconformers, boneonly_pstructure, occu=self.occu), boneonly_pstructure, terminated_backbone_hmols
[docs] @classmethod def from_pstructure(cls, pstructure: Structure, occu=1.0, assign_siteids=False): structure = deepcopy(pstructure) if assign_siteids: print('assign siteid when init a config') for isite in range(len(structure)): structure[isite].properties['siteid'] = isite mols, unwrap_structure, psiteblocks = PBCparser.unwrap_and_squeeze(structure) molconformers = [] for m in mols: try: mc = MolConformer.from_pmgmol(m) molconformers.append(mc) except ConformerError: warnings.warn('conformer init failed for one molecule in the cell') return cls(molconformers, unwrap_structure, occu)
[docs] @classmethod def from_labeled_clean_pstructure(cls, pstructure: Structure, occu=1.0): unwrap_structure = deepcopy(pstructure) psites = list(unwrap_structure.sites) k = lambda x:['imol'] psites.sort(key=k) mols = [] for imol, group in groupby(psites, key=k): mols.append(Molecule.from_sites(list(group))) molconformers = [] for m in mols: try: mc = MolConformer.from_pmgmol(m) molconformers.append(mc) except ConformerError: warnings.warn('conformer init failed for one molecule in the cell') return cls(molconformers, unwrap_structure, occu)
[docs] @classmethod def from_cifstring(cls, string): s = Structure.from_str(string, fmt='cif') return cls.from_pstructure(s)
[docs] @classmethod def from_file(cls, filename, assign_siteids=True): s = Structure.from_file(filename) return cls.from_pstructure(s, assign_siteids=assign_siteids)