Source code for ocelot.routines.pbc

import warnings
from copy import deepcopy

import numpy as np
from pymatgen.core.periodic_table import _pt_data
from pymatgen.core.structure import Lattice
from pymatgen.core.structure import Molecule
from pymatgen.core.structure import PeriodicSite
from pymatgen.core.structure import Site
from pymatgen.core.structure import Structure
from pymatgen.util.coord import pbc_shortest_vectors

PBCparser: get unwrapped structure and mols

method here should not rely on ocelot schema

[docs]def AtomicRadius(site: Site): d = _pt_data[site.species_string] at_r = d.get("Atomic radius", "no data") try: return float(at_r) except ValueError: warnings.warn('unknown element {}'.format(site.species_string)) return 1.0
[docs]class PBCparser:
[docs] @staticmethod def get_dist_and_trans(lattice: Lattice, fc1, fc2): """ get the shortest distance and corresponding translation vector between two frac coords :param lattice: pmg lattic obj :param fc1: :param fc2: :return: """ v, d2 = pbc_shortest_vectors(lattice, fc1, fc2, return_d2=True) if len(np.array(fc1).shape) == 1: fc = lattice.get_fractional_coords(v[0][0]) + fc1 - fc2 else: fc = np.zeros((len(fc1), len(fc2), 3)) for i in range(len(fc1)): for j in range(len(fc2)): fc_vector =[i][j], lattice.inv_matrix) fc[i][j] = fc_vector + fc1[i] - fc2[j] return np.sqrt(d2), fc
[docs] @staticmethod def unwrap(pstructure: Structure): """ unwrap the structure, extract isolated mols this will modify psites *in-place*, properties will be inherited and a new property 'imol' will be written psite with imol=x is an element of both mols[x] and unwrap_pblock_list[x] this method is not supposed to modify siteid! :param pstructure: periodic structure obj from pymatgen :return: mols, unwrap_str_sorted, unwrap_pblock_list """ psites = pstructure.sites cutoff_matrix = np.zeros((len(psites), len(psites))) for i in range(len(psites)): for j in range(i + 1, len(psites)): cutoff = AtomicRadius(psites[i]) + AtomicRadius(psites[j]) cutoff *= 1.3 cutoff_matrix[i][j] = cutoff cutoff_matrix[j][i] = cutoff if all('iasym' in for s in psites): sameiasym = True warnings.warn('if a percolating step involves hydrogens, only percolate to sites with the same iasym') else: sameiasym = False pindices = range(len(psites)) visited = [] block_list = [] # unwrap = [] unwrap_block_list = [] unwrap_pblock_list = [] while len(visited) != len(psites): # initialization unvisited = [idx for idx in pindices if idx not in visited] ini_idx = unvisited[0] block = [ini_idx] # unwrap.append(psites[ini_idx]) unwrap_block = [Site(psites[ini_idx].species_string, psites[ini_idx].coords, properties=deepcopy(psites[ini_idx].properties))] unwrap_pblock = [psites[ini_idx]] pointer = 0 while pointer != len(block): outside = [idx for idx in pindices if idx not in block and idx not in visited] for i in outside: si = psites[i] sj = psites[block[pointer]] if sameiasym and (si.species_string == 'H' or sj.species_string == 'H'): if['iasym'] !=['iasym']: continue distance, fctrans = PBCparser.get_dist_and_trans(pstructure.lattice, psites[block[pointer]].frac_coords, psites[i].frac_coords, ) fctrans = np.rint(fctrans) cutoff = cutoff_matrix[block[pointer]][i] if distance < cutoff: block.append(i) psites[i]._frac_coords += fctrans # psites[i] = PeriodicSite(psites[i].species_string, psites[i].frac_coords + fctrans, # pstructure.lattice, properties=deepcopy(psites[i].properties)) unwrap_block.append( # Site(psites[i].species_string, psites[i].coords, properties=deepcopy(psites[i].properties)) Site(psites[i].species_string, psites[i].coords, properties=psites[i].properties) ) unwrap_pblock.append(psites[i]) visited.append(block[pointer]) pointer += 1 unwrap_block_list.append(unwrap_block) unwrap_pblock_list.append(unwrap_pblock) block_list.append(block) unwrap = [] for i in range(len(unwrap_block_list)): for j in range(len(unwrap_block_list[i])): unwrap_block_list[i][j].properties['imol'] = i unwrap_pblock_list[i][j].properties['imol'] = i unwrap.append(unwrap_pblock_list[i][j]) mols = [Molecule.from_sites(sites) for sites in unwrap_block_list] # unwrap_structure = Structure.from_sites(sorted(unwrap, key=lambda x: x.species_string)) unwrap_structure = Structure.from_sites(unwrap, to_unit_cell=False) return mols, unwrap_structure, unwrap_pblock_list
[docs] @staticmethod def unwrap_and_squeeze(pstructure: Structure): """ after unwrapping, the mols can be far away from each other, this tries to translate them s.t. they stay together :param pstructure: :return: """ mols, unwrap_structure, psiteblocks = PBCparser.unwrap(pstructure) if len(mols) > 1: refpoint = mols[0].center_of_mass refpoint = unwrap_structure.lattice.get_fractional_coords(refpoint) for i in range(1, len(mols)): varmol = mols[i] varpoint = varmol.center_of_mass varpoint = unwrap_structure.lattice.get_fractional_coords(varpoint) distance, fctrans = PBCparser.get_dist_and_trans(unwrap_structure.lattice, refpoint, varpoint) for j in range(len(psiteblocks[i])): psiteblocks[i][j]._frac_coords += fctrans squeeze_psites = [] squeeze_mols = [] pblock: [PeriodicSite] for pblock in psiteblocks: squeeze_block = [] for ps in pblock: squeeze_psites.append(ps) squeeze_block.append( Site(ps.species_string, ps.coords, # do we need deepcopy? mol = Molecule.from_sites(squeeze_block) squeeze_mols.append(mol) squeeze_unwrap_structure = Structure.from_sites(squeeze_psites) return squeeze_mols, squeeze_unwrap_structure, psiteblocks else: return mols, unwrap_structure, psiteblocks