import itertools
import math
import re
import warnings
from copy import deepcopy
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
from pymatgen.core.operations import SymmOp
from pymatgen.core.periodic_table import Element
from pymatgen.core.structure import PeriodicSite
from import CifFile
from import _get_cod_data
from import str2float
from import sub_spgrp
from pymatgen.symmetry.groups import SYMM_DATA
from pymatgen.symmetry.groups import SpaceGroup
from pymatgen.util.coord import pbc_shortest_vectors
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
from ocelot.routines.pbc import PBCparser
[docs]class CifFileError(Exception): pass
possible_symm_labels = [
latt_labels = [
'_cell_length_a', '_cell_length_b', '_cell_length_c', '_cell_angle_alpha', '_cell_angle_beta', '_cell_angle_gamma',
chemistry_labels = [
'_cell_formula_units_Z', '_chemical_formula_moiety', '_chemical_formula_sum'
coord_labels = [
'_atom_site_label', '_atom_site_type_symbol', '_atom_site_fract_x', '_atom_site_fract_y',
disorder_labels = [
'_atom_site_occupancy', '_atom_site_disorder_group',
space_groups = {sub_spgrp(k): k for k in SYMM_DATA['space_group_encoding'].keys()}
space_groups.update({sub_spgrp(k): k for k in SYMM_DATA['space_group_encoding'].keys()})
[docs]def get_pmg_dict(cifstring: str):
use pmg dict to parse cifstring, only deal with one structure per file
:param cifstring:
cifdata = CifFile.from_string(cifstring).data
idnetifiers = list(cifdata.keys())
if len(idnetifiers) > 1:
warnings.warn('W: find more than 1 structures in this cif file!')
elif len(idnetifiers) == 0:
warnings.warn('W: no structure found by pymatgen parser!')
identifier = idnetifiers[0]
except IndexError:
raise CifFileError('no identifier found in the ciffile!')
pymatgen_dict = list(cifdata.items())[0][1].data
# jmol writes '_atom_site_type_symbol', but not '_atom_site_label'
if '_atom_site_label' not in pymatgen_dict.keys():
warnings.warn('W: _atom_site_label not found in parsed dict')
atom_site_label = []
symbols = pymatgen_dict['_atom_site_type_symbol']
for i in range(len(symbols)):
s = symbols[i]
atom_site_label.append('{}{}'.format(s, i))
pymatgen_dict['_atom_site_label'] = atom_site_label
return identifier, pymatgen_dict
[docs]def apply_symmop(psites, ops):
symmop and xyz in cif file:
lets say xyz -- op1 --> x'y'z' and xyz -- op2 --> x!y!z! and
it is possible to have x'y'z' is_close x!y!z!
this means one should take only x'y'z' or x!y!z!, aka op1 is equivalent to op2 due to the symmetry implicated by
xyz/the asymmectric unit, e.g. ALOVOO.cif -- Z=2, asymmectric unit given by cif is one molecule, but there're 4 ops
so we need first check if the cif file behaves like this
op_xyzs = []
for op in ops:
n_xyzs = []
for ps in psites:
new_coord = op.operate(ps.frac_coords)
# new_coord = np.array([i - math.floor(i) for i in new_coord])
latt = psites[0].lattice
def pbc_dist(fc1, fc2, lattice):
v, d2 = pbc_shortest_vectors(lattice, fc1, fc2, return_d2=True)
return math.sqrt(d2[0, 0])
def pbc_distmat(fcl1, fcl2):
distmat = np.zeros((len(fcl1), len(fcl1)))
for i in range(len(fcl1)):
for j in range(i, len(fcl1)):
distmat[i][j] = pbc_dist(fcl1[i], fcl2[j], latt)
distmat[j][i] = distmat[i][j]
return distmat
def two_xyzs_close(xyzs1, xyzs2, tol=1e-5):
dmat = pbc_distmat(xyzs1, xyzs2)
almost_zeros = dmat[(dmat < tol)]
if len(almost_zeros) > 0:
return True
return False
op_identities = np.zeros((len(ops), len(ops)), dtype=bool)
for i, j in itertools.combinations(range(len(ops)), 2):
ixyzs = op_xyzs[i]
jxyzs = op_xyzs[j]
if two_xyzs_close(ixyzs, jxyzs):
op_identities[i][j] = True
op_identities[j][i] = True
groups = [[0]]
for i in range(len(ops)):
for ig in range(len(groups)):
if all(op_identities[i][j] for j in groups[ig]):
if i not in [item for sublist in groups for item in sublist]:
unique_ops = [ops[g[0]] for g in groups]
new_psites = []
for ps in psites:
iasym = 0
for op in unique_ops:
new_coord = op.operate(ps.frac_coords)
new_coord = np.array([i - math.floor(i) for i in new_coord])
new_properties = deepcopy(
new_properties['iasym'] = iasym
new_ps = PeriodicSite(ps.species_string, new_coord, ps.lattice, properties=deepcopy(new_properties))
iasym += 1
return new_psites, unique_ops
[docs]def braket2float(s):
return float(s)
except ValueError:
if isinstance(s, str):
return str2float(s)
raise TypeError('cannot parse {} into float'.format(s))
[docs]def get_symmop(data):
symops = []
for symmetry_label in ["_symmetry_equiv_pos_as_xyz",
if data.get(symmetry_label):
xyz = data.get(symmetry_label)
if isinstance(xyz, str):
msg = "A 1-line symmetry op P1 CIF is detected!"
xyz = [xyz]
symops = [SymmOp.from_xyz_string(s)
for s in xyz]
except ValueError:
if not symops:
# Try to parse symbol
for symmetry_label in ["_symmetry_space_group_name_H-M",
sg = data.get(symmetry_label)
if sg:
sg = sub_spgrp(sg)
spg = space_groups.get(sg)
if spg:
symops = SpaceGroup(spg).symmetry_ops
msg = "No _symmetry_equiv_pos_as_xyz type key found. " \
"Spacegroup from %s used." % symmetry_label
except ValueError:
# Ignore any errors
for d in _get_cod_data():
if sg == re.sub(r"\s+", "",
xyz = d["symops"]
symops = [SymmOp.from_xyz_string(s)
for s in xyz]
msg = "No _symmetry_equiv_pos_as_xyz type key found. " \
"Spacegroup from %s used." % symmetry_label
except Exception:
if symops:
if not symops:
# Try to parse International number
for symmetry_label in ["_space_group_IT_number",
if data.get(symmetry_label):
i = int(braket2float(data.get(symmetry_label)))
symops = SpaceGroup.from_int_number(i).symmetry_ops
except ValueError:
if not symops:
msg = "No _symmetry_equiv_pos_as_xyz type key found. " \
"Defaulting to P1."
symops = [SymmOp.from_xyz_string(s) for s in ['x', 'y', 'z']]
return symops
[docs]def get_connected_pblock(pblocks, cutoff=4.0):
def get_coords(pb: [PeriodicSite]):
coords = np.zeros((len(pb), 3))
for i in range(len(pb)):
coords[i] = pb[i].coords
return coords
def get_shortest_distance_between_blocks(pb1, pb2):
pb1coords = get_coords(pb1)
pb2coords = get_coords(pb2)
distmat = cdist(pb1coords, pb2coords)
minid = np.unravel_index(np.argmin(distmat, axis=None), distmat.shape)
return distmat[minid]
def get_block_graph(distmat, cutoff):
g = nx.Graph()
for i in range(len(distmat)):
for j in range(i + 1, len(distmat)):
if distmat[i][j] < cutoff:
g.add_edge(i, j)
return g
distmat_pblocks = np.zeros((len(pblocks), len(pblocks)))
for i in range(len(pblocks)):
for j in range(i + 1, len(pblocks)):
distmat_pblocks[i][j] = get_shortest_distance_between_blocks(pblocks[i], pblocks[j])
distmat_pblocks[j][i] = distmat_pblocks[i][j]
block_graph = get_block_graph(distmat_pblocks, cutoff)
connected_block_ids = nx.connected_components(block_graph) # [[1,3], [2, 4, 5], ...]
merged_blocks = []
for ids in connected_block_ids:
merged_block = []
for i in ids:
merged_block += pblocks[i]
return merged_blocks
[docs]def find_connected_psites(psites: [PeriodicSite]):
simplified version of percolation in unwrap
latt = psites[0].lattice
pindices = range(len(psites))
visited = []
block_list = []
while len(visited) != len(psites):
# initialization
unvisited = [idx for idx in pindices if idx not in visited]
ini_idx = unvisited[0]
block = [ini_idx]
pointer = 0
while pointer != len(block):
outside = [idx for idx in pindices if idx not in block and idx not in visited]
for i in outside:
distance, fctrans = PBCparser.get_dist_and_trans(latt,
psites[i]._frac_coords, )
cutoff = Element(psites[block[pointer]].species_string).atomic_radius + Element(
cutoff *= 1.3
if distance < cutoff:
pointer += 1
return [[psites[j] for j in b] for b in block_list]